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The Ordeal Begins...


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Well, I'm back from my trip so the ordeal of reinstalling everything after the SSD crash a month ago begins. 


While on my trip I picked up a new 1TB SSD which I will install this morning and then P3D3 followed by all the Orbx sceneries.  Shouldn't take me more than a week.  I have to get Teluride and the quad installers that were issued while I was gone too.



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Hi Noel. Sorry did not realise your trip had finished when I replied to your other post. Good luck with your reinstall, wish I could afford a 1Tb  Ssd for my stuff but here your talking $350 so no chance. Have been thinking about these new Hybrid drives as you can get a 2Tb for £85 . Anyway hope all goes well. Derek.

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Hi Noe,


Don't hurry, do everything with taste and as you can.

Install the "base" and an airport you want to fly soon and its respective region.

So gradually go installing the rest. Seeing the thing for an optimistic angle, this is good, gives more excitement to our days, if we can say that! LoL




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Right now I'm saying I am only going to install and fly North America.  But don't bet the farm on that.  I've said it before and later succumbed to the siren call of Orbx.  No doubt it will happen again.



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