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OOMS with FTXGlobal


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Hi everyone.


I know it is a long shot, but someone may be able to help me!


1st of all, my system:

i7 overclocked to 4.7

2 X GTX650 graphics cards, running 4 monitors!

FSX Acceleration

Win 10





That is all that is physically running on the server. I am networked to a client, which runs PF3, ASNext, FSC and FSCaptain.


I have been happily flying for years, with no OOMS, and with usually about 1,900,000 - 1,300,000 VAS remaining, even at busy and complex airports (EGLL for example). I use full screen, and have the overhead panel on 1 monitor, an external spot view on another monitor, the VC on the main monitor, and the last monitor has the MCP, the Radio, left and right CDU's, and lower CDU.


That was fine, until I bought and installed FTXGlobal!


My VAS remaining is now down to around only 400,000! Of course, I am never going to be able to complete ANY flight with a starting figure like that!


So? With my set up, I lose about 1,000,000 of VAS with FTXGlobal installed!


I have been backing off sliders, but it has had little or no effect! I even turned them all to zero once, just to see what would happen, and it made no difference to VAS usage! Still end up with only 400,000 VAS remaining when sitting at EGLL!


Obviously I am a bit peeved that I have paid for FTXGlobal, which I cannot use!


I am even more peeved that I ended up having to a complete fresh install of windows 10, plus reinstalling everything else, because after uninstalling FTXGlobal, I ended up with the same VAS usage anyway, and ground textures were then very messed up (black grass and water all over the place!). It did not default back to FSX original. I did try and FSX repair, but that just made FSX crash on startup!


People will ask me, so I will say it now.



Yes I have AffinityMask=84

Yes I have UiAutomation

Yes, LOD_RADIUS is 4.500000

No vehicles, and 25% AI traffic.


What I do not understand is why does FTXGlobal, which claims to have the exact same sized textures as the standard FSX ones, now use 1,000,000 more VAS?


That is a big chunk of VAS!


As I said, I doubt if I will be able to get it sorted, other than to ditch my PMDG777 maybe, which I am not willing to do!


I bought FTXGlobal in all good faith, but I cannot use it. An offer of a refund would be nice, but I cannot see that forthcoming!






Order number FSS0472776





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Hello Terry,


I did a small comparison, at Woodford.

This is a default version of FSX, sharing all the settings with my FTX version.




and here is the identical scene with FTX Global installed.




You can see in the background that there is more autogen for the same setting but not the massive difference

that you report.

I am sure you know but backing off the sliders has no effect in game, a restart is required to see the difference.


No autogen, default FSX




No autogen, FTX Global




and just out of interest, Preview Direct X 10 mode



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Hi Terry. I'm with Nick on this one. One of the things I have grown to love about ORBX products is they have little effect on FPS or VAS. In fact, in some instances even better. You have a somewhat unique setup, so maybe that's the difference. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys.


Sorry for the very late reply. I had notifications checked, but I thought nobody had answered my post, as I did not receive an email notification!


I have been spending quite some time on this issue!


There is something very wrong going on! 


So! Here we go!


I did a complete new install of Win 10, and did all the updates, etc! A new install of FSX up to SP2, MyTraffic2013, PMDG 777. FsCaptain. That is all that I run on the server. All my other add on's (ASNext, FSCommander, PF3) all run networked on the client laptop.


Now down to figures (and some comments!).


Without FTX, sitting at the gate at EDDM, all views open, I have 1987092 vas remaining (measured with FSUIPC). Then installed FTX Global, did the library update and then enabled FTX. All graphics settings stayed the same. Now, sitting at the gate, I only get 1100000 vas remaining! Over 800,000 lost vas already, which is a huge amount! I then did a flight from EDDM to ESSA. Just before take-off, I only had about 700000 vas remaining. That did go up during the flight, to around 1100000 remaining, But! During descent, vas slowly/quickly got eaten up! On finals, I was down to 400000! During taxi, OOMS warning, with only about 200000 remaining! Going to settings and not touching anything and then going back into FSX, I recovered back to 500000, but that slowly got eaten up also during taxi in! Just made it to the nearest gate before I got a full OOMS! Now to the comment I mentioned? Why are there highways going straight through the middle of ESSA? LOL! Oh and another comment! At EDDM, half of the airport terminal buildings also "disappeared".


I love all the extra detail that I get with FTX Global (beaches, parks, fields of green, etc!), but I cannot really use FTX! It is stupid to have highways going straight through the middle of an airport, terminal building going missing, and an enormous drain on vas!


If any guru can shed some light on this, I would be happy to hear from you!


@ Nick. I cannot use DX10! I have a 4 monitor setup, and DX10 does not support 4 monitors!


@ gotjackson. Yes I have a unique setup, but it still does not explain why terminal buildings disappear, and highways run straight through an airport! You also quote " ORBX products have little effect on FPS or VAS". Well? I think I have proven you wrong!


I have been flying my setup for years now, with no OOMS, or any problems at all! Until FTX!


@ Nick. I noticed that you are listed as an ORBX Team member? But you are asking for help from other members? 


I would like this to be recognised as a support issue, from ORBX direct! That is what they clearly state on their website, as long as the order number is stated within the post.


I have supplied that, so I expect some direct support from the manufacturer!


I have paid my money, and I expect some "official" support!


I am very open to any suggestions.


But look at my post! Losing 800000 vas after only installing FTX and not touching anything else, from a perfectly working FSX before, must mean something to someone? And why do I lose terminal buildings at EDDM, and have highways going through ESSA!


Further to this, why cannot I just uninstall FTX and go back to my original FSX? If I try to uninstall FTX, FSX loses nearly all it's original textures, and trying to replace the textures from the backup makes no difference! I always end up having to do a complete reinstall of windows and FSX!


I am fed up of having to do that! I really want to use FTX global, because the graphics are brilliant, but having to do a complete reinstall of win 10 and FSX and all my add on's is a bit extreme!


Why does the uninstall of FTX not just revert FSX back to where it was before the install of FTX?


Over to you!









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Hello Terry,

Thank you for your reply.

I have shown you the difference that FTX Global makes to my installation.

EDDM is not an airport done by FTX, ESSA is but you don't own it.

I have no idea why airport buildings may disappear, is it default or do you have

someone else's addon version?

FTX Global is a set of textures and has no effect on airports.

I didn't ask for help, I asked if he had anything (of value) to add to the topic.

The airport you ridicule for having roads running through it has roads running through it.



as does ESSA.



Did you try lowering the level of autogen?

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2 hours ago, Terry2905 said:

I love all the extra detail that I get with FTX Global (beaches, parks, fields of green, etc!), but I cannot really use FTX! It is stupid to have highways going straight through the middle of an airport, terminal building going missing, and an enormous drain on vas!


@ gotjackson. Yes I have a unique setup, but it still does not explain why terminal buildings disappear, and highways run straight through an airport! You also quote " ORBX products have little effect on FPS or VAS". Well? I think I have proven you wrong!


But look at my post! Losing 800000 vas after only installing FTX and not touching anything else, from a perfectly working FSX before, must mean something to someone? And why do I lose terminal buildings at EDDM, and have highways going through ESSA!


 This so makes me think that the op is referring not to FTX Global, but very much like Vector. Global does not add parks or beach or roads through airports, it's a texture replacement. Global's hit to the vas is generally very little, whereas Vector can create large increases in VAS depending on settings.

 Also referring to randomly missing airport buildings, you are running 4 monitors on 2 of what are considered fairly low end video cards? Even if the cards were 2gb versions (keep in mind that SLI doesn't combine video ram), 4 displays is going to take it's toll and start running out of vram.

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Hi Guys.


This is the latest version of FTX Global Base. 


Reading Kosta's post about FTX Global, it should not place roads in the middle of airports, but it does, in just the same way as it has placed trees in the middle of a runway of his favourite airport! The reply he got from ORBX was that there must be an underlying autogen incompatability! With what? I do not have any add on's that effect the default FSX autogen! Or do I? I forgot to mention that I do have FSGlobal 2010 installed. But that only effects landclass and not autogen?


@ Dave_YVR. We are not talking about vram! We are talking about OOMS, which is the physical memory (VAS (virtual address space)), not video ram! Yes I would love to be able to afford 2 X GTX 780's, but it would not actually make any difference anyway! It would not prevent the massive vas usage! It would enable me to bump up some of the sliders, but I am happy with the way things are. And FTX Global does add parks, beaches, fields, rivers, golf courses, etc (that is quoted on their website I believe?)!


@ pete_auau. No I have not tried a default aircraft. Why even try? I already know that it would undoubtedly prevent the OOMS, but that would then mean that I would not be able to fly my very expensive aircraft! All I wanted was to fly my expensive PMDG 777 AND use my expensive FTX Global!


As I have stated in my post, only installing FTX Global loses me around 800000 vas, and it places highways through airports! Posted a pic!


Anyway! I cannot use FTX, but I cannot uninstall/disable it either! I have to do a complete uninstall and reinstall of windows 10, because FTX leaves something behind (in the registry maybe) that prevents a reinstall or repair of FSX!


I have read somewhere that there is a guide to remove FTX Global and recover the original FSX textures, but I have not been able to actually find that guide! I found one post that says that FTX Global has to be turned off before using the windows uninstaller, but that option is not available in FTX Central 2! If I try to just uninstall FTX, I get all sorts of weird FSX textures (even if I copy the backup textures back into FSX), black grass and water everywhere!


ORBX should have an uninstaller that will revert FSX back to what it was before installing FTX!


I would either like my money back from ORBX, or get the problem fixed!




Highway at ESSA.docx

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Hi Nick.


Sorry. I missed seeing your post showing the maps! It will be interesting to see if the default FSX shows those roads!


It will take me a few days to reinstall Win 10 and everything, but I will report back when I can.



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FTX Global does not place roads.

FTX Global does not place trees on airports.

FTX Vector does place roads and in some circumstances trees on airports but

you do not have it.

There is no need to re-install any operating system in order to remove FTX Global.

An FTX Global uninstaller is to be found in Windows Control panel\Programs and features.

A repair of FSX will replace the FTX Global textures with default if a back up was not made

when the product was installed.



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17 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

FTX Global does not place roads.

FTX Global does not place trees on airports.

FTX Vector does place roads and in some circumstances trees on airports but

you do not have it.

There is no need to re-install any operating system in order to remove FTX Global.

An FTX Global uninstaller is to be found in Windows Control panel\Programs and features.

A repair of FSX will replace the FTX Global textures with default is a back up was not made

when the product was installed.




Hi Nick.


I have already tried using the windows uninstaller, and then doing an FSX repair. I end up with black grass and water textures all over any airport or scenery! 


I do have the FTX backup folder! I tried to copy and paste that into FSX, after uninstalling FTX, but that did nothing. I even went through all the FSX scenery files and removed all the ORBX "left behind" textures that I could find (and there were lots!), but it made no difference. Even a complete reinstall of just FSX (after uninstalling it and deleting all it's folders completely did not work! 


The only way I have ever been able to reinstall FSX has been to do a complete reinstall of win 10! Maybe ORBX leaves something in the registry which prevents FSX from reinstalling correctly?




Attached a pic after uninstalling FTX and setting default in FTX central 2.


ESSA after uninstall of FTX.docx

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FTX Global leaves nothing in the registry apart from its proof of purchase.


The best way to do an FSX repair is to rename your FSX folder and then create

an empty folder with the same name and in the same location.

When you run the FSX repair, it will put a complete fresh version into that folder.

You need then only delete the three ORBX!OPENLC scenery library entries.



By the way, here are Munich and Arlanda in default FSX.

First a replica of your screen shot.











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Hi Nick.




I manually copied and pasted the FTX backup into the FSX world scenery folder, just overwriting 336 files. Not sure if this is the correct procedure, but I do now have grass again and the water has gone!


And yes, you are right that there is a highway crossing the taxiway at ESSA! Weird!





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Hi Nick.


I will see how my copy and paste goes, but thanks for the advice on doing a full repair.


I have only disabled the scenery in the scenery library for now.


Shame that I cannot use FTX though and wasted my money!



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28 minutes ago, Terry2905 said:

Hi Nick.

And yes, you are right that there is a highway crossing the taxiway at ESSA! Weird!





In the real world and in the excellent version of Arlanda done by Marcus and Philip for FTX, the road does not

cross the taxiway but passes under a bridge carrying the taxiway.

Unfortunately, default FSX is not sophisticated enough to show this so it does look odd.

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Hi Nick.


Talking about default FSX. This shows the missing terminal buildings at EDDM (parked at gate 183, looking backwards). EDDM missing terminal buildings.docx


Not sure if this is default missing in FSX or something that FTX did?


Maybe you could make your guide to uninstall FTX Global Base and restore FSX default scenery into a sticky (aka the sticky for Vector!). I have seen lots of posts about people having big problems uninstalling FTX Global.


Off topic a little bit, but I thought I would mention it. I found a gem of a "fix" to get more vas available (and increased fps) with FSX. Turn off HT if you have it! I also had to add affinitymask=84 to my fsx.cfg, but it worked! I gained 400000 more available vas!


Now we just have to wait for the new Dovetail flight sim, and then I may be able to use FTX Global again!



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Those are not missing buildings at Munich.
Once again, default FSX reflects what is there in the real world, though possibly not very well.


Default FSX



Google Earth



Once again, FTX Global does not change airports, only textures and a little more autogen.






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Hi Nick.


Thought I would post an update!


I really wanted to use FTX Global, so I went back to square one!


I also bought some faster memory (2 X Gskill 8GB 2133), to see if it would make any difference. I had been using a single Giel 8GB 1600 stick, single channel, so I was interested to see if using dual channel would make any difference?


I am not going to make this into a definitive answer though, because I have changed a lot of settings within FSX itself (autogen slider reduced to medium, and reduced AI from 25% to 21%)


But I did apply those settings before installing the new ram, and it made very little difference.I still only got about 1000000 remaining vas at EDDM.


After installing the new ram, I did notice that it was not running at 2133! So I went into the BIOS and changed a few settings! 


What has this achieved?


Going back to my earlier post about vas at EDDM, just sitting at the gate, with FTX Global and only getting 1000000 vas remaining? I now get about 19000000 remaining!


I even increased autogen to max!


To summarise?


Installing new ram, and changing a few settings in BIOS, but still basically running at 4.7 overclocked, I have got rid of that 8000000 vas that FTX Global has "eaten up"!


In detail? I reduced the BC Clock back to 100 (previously 103) in the BIOS, and increased the clock ratio to 47 for 4 cores (Hyperthreading now disabled). That allowed me to run the new ram at 2133.




I apologise for blaming FTX! But! It did take changing ram, and some fiddling with BIOS to prevent FTX from "gobbling up" 8000000 vas!


That should not be the case though! None of us will ever know why? 


Was it the changes to the BIOS, or the installing of the new faster ram that made such a big difference?


To quote the famous song? "I see fields of green, red roses too", you know what I mean!


I have looked over all the various posts/replies and I would like to comment! 


FTX Global does add beaches, and rivers, and extra roads, and electric pylons, and lots of other things! 


I had blamed FTX Global for using up an extra 8000000 vas, but it was my my previous ram, or my BIOS settings, that had forced it into losing that vas!


I am posting this for anyone else that may be experiencing similar problems with a massive vas usage after installing FTX Global!


Studying my experience? My own personal overclock had a serious impact with FTX! Global. It did not like my overclock!


I have now done a few flights with the new configuration, and FSX is running fine, so far!


I have yet to do an approach to a very busy airport though!


But I will say a thank you for the replies, and for pointing out some things that I was not aware of. Roads running through airports as an example! Thanks to NIck for pointing that out!


On a final note! Wow, the new ram made a big difference to my normal windows programs! They now snap open almost instantly!


Thanks to everyone who replied and put in their input. All input was appreciated.


Happy flying guys.





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Just a small update.


I am now running FTX Global again, because I wanted to use it!


With my new setup, I have just done a nearly 3 hour flight from ENVA to EGLL. Heavy rain and thunderstorms at EGLL also. I landed fine with about 5000000 vas remaining!


So? What actually changed? I could never land at EGLL without OOMS before!


Upgraded the ram from a single stick 8GB 1600, to 2 X 8GB 2133 ram. I had to make some BIOS adjustments to accommodate the new ram. 


I did not change any settings in FSX.


So? Although ORBX claim that the textures are no different to FSX, and have zero impact, my system needed an upgrade and hardware adjustments to allow me to use it! 


That should be clearly stated in the sales pitch! I have proven that FTX Global, in certain circumstances, does have a significant effect on vas! According to their claims, there is no difference between the FTX Global and standard FSX textures, but that is obviously a false statement! If the textures were actually the same, then my FSX would have run just the same way as it did without FTX Global.


I know what the answer will be! FTX Global was not designed to run on a 4 monitor setup, with multiple exterior/interior views! But I still stand by the statement that they claim that the textures are the same as the default FSX textures, when they are clearly not! 


I am posting this, because I want people to know that FTX Global does have a significant effect on vas, in certain circumstances! We are not talking about only a single monitor setup! 


Hey! If I only had a single monitor setup, and no other add ons, and not using the PMDG777, I guess FTX Global would have no effect at all on vas usage!




For anyone that may come across this! 


I7, 3770K (overclocked to 4.7), 2 X 8GB Gskill 2133 ram, 2 X GTX 650, 4 monitors, networked with an I7 laptop which runs FSCommander, ASN, PF3 and FsCaptain!


I guess you can see that I am not a dunce!


But it is also what forums are all about, to share experiences, to ask for help, to share knowledge.


I learned a lot from this post! I did not know about the "apparently" missing terminal buildings at Munich! Nor the highways running through airports! I stand corrected on those points, as pointed out by Nick.


I am using this post also, with the same intent, to share experiences and knowledge.


In conclusion? FTX Global CAN have a significant impact on vas usage, under certain circumstances!


It is not bullet proof though, as they claim on their their website!


I do not like to see "this has no impact on frame rates or vas", when it clearly does!


One last point! Why could I not take this up directly with ORBX? Do they not have ANY "direct" customer support!


Why use a public forum? 


As a paid customer, I am entitled to full customer support!


I should be able to contact the manufacturer directly!


Can I mention an example of what full customer support should be? PF3 for example! I had a problem, so they arranged remote access. They looked over my setup, and they did find the problem! It turned out to be something that they had to fix! They were very appreciative for me sharing my info, and they sent me an update the next day which fixed the problem!


ORBX should also have a system of full customer support! Not just a  forum to "discuss" problems!


Will all due respect NIck, You did not offer me "customer support"! I do not even know what or who you are! You are only a forum moderator?


Where is my direct support from the manufacturer for a product that I have paid for?


I should have, as a customer, direct support from the manufacturer!




Best regards.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Welcome to "pleasentville". In defence of Terry as a newcomer, I do not find him arrogant, just assertive and to be commended to sticking to his guns. Conversely I would like to thank Terry for his post which I have found interesting and informative. I still suffer from a lot of OOM crashes on a high end system and his work on seeking a solution may be helpful to me.
I love and admire Orbx for a company that has come a long way and produce top world class products but Terry has been bold enough to point out an area (Support) that could see some improvement. We all rely on great community support and in recent times Nick does an admirable job but one only has to look back through the official support pages, sometimes weeks and even months to see the number of posts that remain Red (unresolved). This highlights examples of support requests that are left "up in the air"
On a number of occasions I have been in this situation where there has been initial help on an issue but then left to eventually resolve it for myself. Currently I and one other member have and outstanding issue that seems to be just "forgotten".
What Terry has highlighted is an important area for a World class Company to improve on where official Company follow up is given to every support request that remains unresolved and a resolution is reached. Perhaps this sounds a big ask but is what we expect from any top end Company.
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