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do i need a mesh software to realize FTX to its full potential


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Hi McDavis,


FTX Global was designed by developers using FS Global 2010 FTX Edition, so it's recommended by ORBX. But as FS Global Ultimate provides the latest and most accurate terrain/ mesh data, I chose this one for my sim. It has the most recent data from 2013 and higher detail than Global 2010, which however can be seen only at some places and when flying clsoe to the ground.


FS Global Ultimate Bundle (not 2010) takes 101 GB, when you install all three packages. But you may buy only one or two packs depending on where you plan to fly most of your time. For example, if your flights are limited to the Americas then FS Global Ultimate Americas is actually the best there is. A division on two drives is possible in order to save space, e.g. install FSX/ P3D on C:. and FS Global on D:. My three packages are installed on E:, a 495 GB HDD, while P3D runs on F:, a 120 GB SSD.


Ultimate uses the latest available data from 2013 with the highest available resolution. That's why it's so much larger with its 121 GB than Global 2010 with only 25GB.

I bought Ultimate Bundle in winter 2014, because I wanted to see the most accurate elevation details wherever I'm flying. Many people say, they notice no difference between Ultimate and 2010, But that is, because when flying thousand meters above the ground it's hard to spot terrain details of 1 - 19 meters.


They make a huge difference concerning terrain so you'll see mountains, hills and valleys as they appear in reality. Additionally, openLC adds textures which make up the surface we see, like forests, deserts or fields. It doesn't depend on Mesh products like FS Global. Nonetheless, using all components (Mesh + FTX Global, Vector and openLC) delivers the most precise data available for flight simulation.


Regions and airports themselves aren't affected by FS Global, because sceneries like KEKA come with their own precise mesh. However, the surrounding mountains outside of KEKA's coverage will look exactly as they appear in reality. But since the mountains in that area are quite round, it maybe difficult to see differences between default mesh and Global mesh when flying on high altitudes.


Some FTX Global freeware sceneries like LIDA Asiago depend on a mesh software for a correct rendition, while others don't need it but will look more realistic in surrounding areas.


I think that PILOT'S invested years of research and work on providing the most precise terrain data for flight simulation while using performance efficiently, like using less detail in flat areas where you wouldn't notice higher detail.


There is an increase in loading time when I start up P3D and when loading a new flight. It takes 2 minutes to start the sim and 1 - 2 minutes to load a flight. Without FS Global Ultimate both lasted only seconds. Nonetheless, performance and framerates aren't affected by the amount of data once the sim is running.





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I'd like to say that the difference between the 2010 and Ultimate version might not too big (depending on how you fly: low or high, etc)


the there is a HUGE difference between no mesh and any mesh out there ( I recommend FS Global 2010, or read above, good explanation).

I mostly fly anywhere in germany and as there are not too much big and high mountains (except the alps) one could say "but why do you need a mesh if there are not too many mountains, etc". Well, it does not only effect the big hills and mountains, but all the terrain elevation datas.

You will definitely go a step further to reality and improve the whole terrain with a more realistic ekevation of the terrain.

Flying along rivers valleys, rivers, woodlands is much more realistic with 2010 mesh.

So, if you are not flying in an absolutely flat region I def. recommend to get (at least) the 2010 mesh :-)

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Your question asked if MESH would make FTX work to its full potential.  Actually FTX regions already have higher resolution MESH included.  Addon MESH such as the Pilot's FTX Compatible MESH will definitely improve elevations outside of the regions and is recommended.

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Thank you guys for taking the time to explain these details. I really appreciate it. I am gradually building my home simulator and will need your help to get the most out of my setup. I will use these suggestions. Once i receive my new computer. i will start loading these software and then provide feedback on my progress. I have realized my current computer is not up to the task.

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I also have another question:Will i be able to run FTX global LC and vector with a 3rd party airport scenery like that of FS dream team? If so how will i organize my scenery library? how will FSX know which scenery to use?

thanks for the help,


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Yep, you can, I have quite a number of them installed. You place them in the scenery libary above all FTX sceneries, this tells FSX the airport scenery has higher priority. Finally, you should run the Vector Airport Elevation Corrections tool.


Of course there are 3rd party sceneries playing better with the surrounding or worse. ORBX has a compatibility forum for some critical cases.


Kind regards, Michael

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Open FTX Central 2, Settings (lower left pane), then Tools in the Menu and FTX Global VECTOR Configuration Tool. Open the Tool and choose the right tab "Airport Elevation Corrections". Run Auto-Configuration, and after finishing this "Apply". This should take care of potentially sunken runways etc.


FTX Central also has an ORBX manual in the left pane describing all this (and more) in detail.


Kind regards, Michael

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The benefits of mesh depend on where you fly.  


If you fly only in Orbx regions, you might not notice much difference (depending on what 3rd party product you buy) because they already include it.

USA, the default mesh is not bad at 38m.

Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia is 76m.

The rest of the world varies, but can be pretty poor.


The type of terrain also matters.  Even with great mesh, flat parts of the Amazon or Saskatchewan might look exactly the same, however mountainous terrain, like the Tierra Del Fuego, can look radically better than the default.


Mesh can also take up a lot of disk space and some brands are expensive IMHO.

I'm using FreeMeshX and have been very happy with it.  It is free.  You can download only the regions that you want.  It is 38m for everywhere except 78m Antarctica, Greenland, and Russia (north of 60 degrees).


Just my 2 cents added to the good advice already posted by others.

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What LOD do the different FS Global packages mentioned above have in what areas?  Nobody posted this most important information about Global. 


The freemesh which is LOD 10 is great.  I have it worldwide because I fly worldwide.  But I supplement it with some LOD 11 and LOD 12 for areas in which I fly a lot.  It all depends on what each individual wants.


Also, pmb got the terminology backwards.  Mesh is placed below (larger number), not above, the other scenery especially if that other scenery, like regions, includes its own mesh.

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11 minutes ago, Geezer said:

Also, pmb got the terminology backwards.  Mesh is placed below (larger number), not above, the other scenery especially if that other scenery, like regions, includes its own mesh.

Sorry, the qestion immediately before (#7) my answer (#8)  referred to 3rd party airport scenery (not mesh) which has to be placed above all ORBX entries indeed (smaller numbers). Maybe I should have stated this more explicitly, though.


Mesh is usually placed below regions, and I do it that way, too, but I recally vagely it actually takes effect independent from where it's in the library. Maybe someone knowing for sure can confirm or deny this.


Kind regards, Michael

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Well, I know for sure.  Mesh does act independently of other scenery except other mesh of the same LOD such as you might find in Orbx regions and elsewhere.  It's just good practice to place it below other scenery to avoid a possible conflict.   


I would question that non-Orbx airports must be placed above all Orbx scenery including airports.  They are all in the same level so should be able to mix without a problem.  Unless there's some special reason I'm not aware of for placing them separately and above.

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1 hour ago, Geezer said:

I would question that non-Orbx airports must be placed above all Orbx scenery including airports.  They are all in the same level so should be able to mix without a problem.  Unless there's some special reason I'm not aware of for placing them separately and above.

While 3rd party airports must be above ORBX regions, strictly speaking, there's no resason to place 3rd party airports above ORBX airports as they are the same level indeed, However, given ORBX airports and regions making a solid block in the library which is maintained by FTX Central 2, I think it's always save to have all 3rd party airports above all ORBX scenery. Moreover, the official FTX Guide coming with FTX Central 2 suggests:


3rd Party Scenery (Any scenery you wish to display above Orbx FTX scenery)
OZX Scenery (Freeware designed to fit with FTX Regional software)
FTX Full Regional Scenery & Airports
Tongass Fjords (Fills the gap between Southern Alaska and Pacific Fjords Regions)
FTX OpenLC Scenery
Named Default Scenery Entries
FSGlobal 2010 Entries
FTX Global Vector Entries (OBJ, APT, CVX, EXX)
Numbered Default Scenery Entries
FTX Global Vector Entry (AEC)
"Default Scenery"
"Default Terrain"


Kind regards, Michael

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Most of that list makes sense.  I had read in the RTMM forum that Tongass goes below the Orbx regions.  Vector places its files in order way below.  Mesh is the first to be installed.  I still think it doesn't matter if Orbx airports are mixed with other airports but it's not important.


It's interesting that the list combines regions and airports.  I think it should list airports above regions.



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Shameless plug below:


I use FreeMeshX. It's based on the new 2015 30 meter SRTM dataset, and I keep it updated with patches to fix artifacts or fill voids.  It's released under a Creative Commons license which cannot be revoked or amended (even by me), so it will always remain forever free. It has no fancy branding or marketing package, but it's pretty solid, and I'm further improving it.


It's LOD10 for the majority of the world, and if I'm correctly reading the product descriptions of FS Global 2010 and Ultimate, then that is higher than the LOD9 SRTM base meshes they use. However, it is fair to say the FS Global series do feature a LOD11 North America and some nice high resolutions sets for some mountain ranges (European Alps anyone?), and I'm sure PILOTS will soon release a new mesh set that will take advantage of the new SRTM data as well.


Definitely get a mesh (and FTX Vectors) if you intend on flying outside of the U.S., and explore the world. The default mesh is pretty crummy and there is so much for detail at your fingertips with a new mesh.

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Just an fyi, LCSims has an excellent LOD 12 for Alaska, Canada and the continental US.  It includes elevation files to eliminate plateaus and ditches for those not having vector.  $20 for the US and $15 for AKCAN.  It's a bargain. 

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