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Question regarding P3Dv3.2

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At the moment I have 3.1.  And very good it is too.

However, I have just downloaded 3.2 and am left wondering if its possible to install it over the top of 3.1?

If not, and I have to uninstall 3.1 and then install 3.2,  what will I lose?  Obviously the scenery files will have to be loaded again but what about my purchased aircraft and stuff?



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LM recommends the de-installation of the client part of P3D. Which mainly is a removal of your registration on the LM server and some registry settings. The respective files remain in their original directory. I did not notice that any file was removed from the drive with this de-stallation.

So you install v3.2 over the pre-existent v3.1 in any way.

Take into account that all settings (addon implementation, controls settings and scenery database) are replaced by 'empty' (i.e.default) versions. I'd suggest that you rename all the "Prepar3D v3" folders in the paths of C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin, C:\UserName\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin, C:\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin, and, maybe even C:\UserName\Documents\Prepar3D Files into - e.g. - "Prepar3D v3.1". So you may keep your settings of the .cfg and .xml files and may overwrite the new ones.

Also keep in mind, that there are (though only minor) changes also in the Scenery and the Content section of P3D, which will NOT be installed, using only the Client updater, but you will keep your addon installations.



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Hi Glenn


Ok, I've looked at that and can't find what they call the 'client installer msi'.


I downloaded 3.2 and after unzipping got; 'Prepar3D_v3_SDK_Setup_3.2.3.16769.msi' installer package.  I got to the installer stage of this but found no mention of the 'client installer msi' so chickened out because it just looks like an ordinary full install to me.


Perhaps I'm wrong and this is it?


Sorry to be such a numpty but frankly 'computer speak' defeats me.



edit - sorry Mike but frankly I don't understand much of what you're saying.

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Hi John


When you enter the download page at P3D, you will see below your 'Prepar3d version 3. the following words '+individual component downloads'. Click this and you will see the following.....




To install only part of the download and save yourself re downloading your Orbx and flightsim software again, you must first delete your installation file 'Prepar3d v3 Academic Client' from your computer and then from your P3D download shown on the above page, click 'install client.msi  and download this file and then install it.

This will replace the Prepar3d v3 Academic Client file that you just deleted.

Full instructions for doing this are also included in the P3D download page, see below.




Best of luck and kind regards





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Yep, ok.  I'm now the proud posessor of a working P3Dv3.2 sim'.


Thanks for all your help guys.  Once I found the Content, Scenery and Client download files, it was fairly easy.



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11 hours ago, JohnY said:

Sorry to be such a numpty but frankly 'computer speak' defeats me.


You are not alone John.

I am considering upgrading and am terrified of stuffing it up but this post helps a lot.

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