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ghost like lights and apperecions

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nick thanks  I had a look for the service pack two Microsoft have not issued any new ones or will they.    they want everyone to use win 10 do you think it may help if I find an old pack 2 ( ffs0469300) adding England today as well . I suppose I could migrate to 10 but don't want to if I can help it but I cant live with these ghost shots

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I think you misunderstand.

When FSX was released, it was the RTM version.

After that, there were two updates (to FSX) issued which you can still find and download.

Service Pack 1 here and Service Pack 2 here.

I believe that it is the lack of FSX Service Pack 2 that is causing what you are seeing, I

have seen this twice before in customer's screen shots and it was the correct answer in both


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thanks nick that did it  not a ghost in site . I do have another question you maybe able to help with, I think this is down to settings to high /  see photo / my system is about on par with yours  16gb ddr4 2133 6700k stock at 4.2 at present    as per photo would I be any better of ie>more memory or running it faster

me 010.JPG

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Hi Trainut123,

Nick will probably say something similar, I agree with Stew, that looks like a VAS OOM  (Out Of Memory ) error message. Where were you flying at the time the message appeared. Looks like you just hit the 32bit 4Gb VAS limit of the Simulators Virtual Address Space. You could reduce your Autogen slider and reduce AI traffic, boats, ships & cars , along with selecting a less heavy weather scheme, to compensate in heavier areas which may keep you under the 4Gb limit. Adding Physical RAM will not help unfortunately.

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Yes, that message is telling you that you have run out of Virtual Address Space which will happen

regardless of the computer specs if the settings are too high.


FSX and P3D can access only 4096 mb of VAS in a 64 bit operating system and when this runs out,

it is at just the same moment whether there are 4GB of RAM or 32 GB of RAM installed.


The only solution is to identify the setting(s) that is (are) too high and turn them down a little.

Sometimes too much autogen will bring this on, sometimes it is a complex aircraft, sometimes too

much scenery loaded at once, sometimes the LOD radius set too high, sometimes too many clouds,

sometimes it can be a poor model, whether in the scenery or the aircraft or a combination of some

or all of these things.

It is usually the last thing that was added that receives the blame for an OOM error but there is not

a single cause and it will always be the last thing that was added that tips the computer from just

enough VAS to not quite enough.

This is why there is so much discussion whenever a 64 bit flight simulator is proposed, 64 bit software

can access up to 8TB of VAS.


Depending on what sort of scenery you have, the Scenery Config Editor can be a very useful means of

limiting the amount of scenery loaded, though if you have only FTX products installed, FTX Central does

much the same job.

Otherwise, just reduce your settings, autogen first until you can fly without running out.

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many thanks for that, ihave to date base vector open lc England two freeware airports and was thinking of mesh do I or don't I thoughts chaps please    ffs0469300   hope you don't object to my questions still learning and what a curve

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