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Cannot download BOB


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Hi Sue . Thank you for your response ; What I am doing is going to the ORBX page selecting to download BOB and following the instructions, yes trying to install . What should I be doing ?  



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If the installer can't find FSX, you can use the FSX Registry Utility from this page

to set the correct registry entry.

You can also remove the option to start FTX Central for FSX Steam Edition.

You should be able to remove the FTX Central start menu if you use

the Registry Editor to delete the Dovetail Games entry from here:



When you have browsed to the DovetailGames entry at that location, right click on

DovetailGames and select delete.

Don't touch anything else.

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Hi Nick , Thank you for your response , At the risk of sounding old, adjusting the FSX Registry scares me because I don`t understand it . I will have a go at most things but I am unlikely to mess about with it just for the sake of getting BOB , but I appreciate your response .  I have just downloaded Vashon Island without any problems and its the airfields that I couldn't do without.

Thanks to all who responded 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Nick 

              I have finally bucked up the courage to try and sort this out , using the tool I can find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE but there isn't any  WOW643Node/microsoft  but there is dovetailGames .



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Hi Nick 

          I bet that I am doing something wrong !! but hopefully i have attached what I can see. I am in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and am looking for WOW643 but cannot see it . 

Whats my problem 



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