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Bakersfield Autogen Comparison Shots


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After installing Bakersfield after release I took a series of shots at the various autogen settings, don't think I've posted this before, thought it might be of interest to some.
















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This is of interest to me as If I look at the bottom right corner where in the final shot there are 5 houses [roofs from left: grey, grey, brown, black, dark grey], then I look at the same bottom right hand corner from top shot down - I have the 'flat houses" issue that your early shots show.

Of the 5 houses, none show fully in the 1st shot. 2nd shot has the 1st grey roofed house on the LH end of the set of 5 showing.

The whole 5 only show 'fully' in shot 6.


Could you say what the autogen settings were for each shot?, or at least the 1st & 6th?

This may help me tune my system.



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"Could you say what the autogen settings were for each shot?, or at least the 1st & 6th?

This may help me tune my system.




Pretty sure they are in order with 0 (as in no autogen) at the top and increasing down to 5 (the highest) at the bottom. You'll notice in the bottom shot at autogen 5 there is still a commercial building on the left that is not popped up in 3D. Viewing angles also can introduce visual anomalies, a building from say a 60 degree angle might appear floating off the ground, slew down and you find its actually on the ground.


I believe there are cfg add in settings to increase/decrease the density of buildings and trees to higher or lower levels per tile. That's why not all buildings pop up. However, I suspect that if you were to increase these settings so the 5 (full on setting) showed more houses/trees per tile, all you would accomplish is to put additional stress CPU, memory, and video card most likely incur OOM's system lockups/freezes just trying to load flight.


This "tweek" was used at one point to limit the number of trees at the higher autogen settings to improve performance without losing buidings. There were numerous threads about this here and elsewhere about this. I solved almost all my performance issues simply by going back to LOD 4.5, and adjusting autogen to 4 or 3 for areas like Seattle and LA, otherwise I run 5 without too much trouble.

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