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Earth Simulations?

Jack Sawyer

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I have just done a search of the forum here and found many useful posts regarding Earth Simulations.

I have the DVD's coming for Isle Of Man and Guernsey.

A friend in the UK is trying to install them now.

We both use ORBX and I have ALL of ORBX's UK stuff except for a few airports.


Does anyone have any NEW information of these sceneries?

I read that ORBX worked with them before they went under in making sure ORBX's stuff will mesh with ES's stuff.

I do know I have to shut off the Internet before installing o it will mess things up.


Question is, does anyone have any very recent experience installing and using these with ORBX England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, & Northern Ireland?


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I have a few of the Earth Simulations sceneries installed, along with ORBX England, Wales, and Scotland.  I have never had any issues with compatibility.


I did, however, have a lot of trouble installing the Earth Simulations sceneries and had to get advice from Tony Meredith on the Flightstore forums.  I had all DVD's.  From your post it seems as though you have read the info regarding installation.  I will just re-iterate the main points I learned;


-As you mentioned, do not be connected to the internet when installing from the DVD's, or the installer will try to download files and won't use the ones on the disc.


-Do not use the same version of ESI (the installer program) for different products.  Use the version of ESI on each disc for each separate product.  You will probably need to uninstall the current version of ESI before starting the next installation.  There may be a warning that uninstalling ESI will also remove the product/scenery, but it will not.  Ignore this warning and uninstall ESI before starting each new installation.


I will attach the latest installation help pdf and also type a couple of links for more info.



















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No worries Jack.


No, I never made it to the Air Force. I did apply once when I was finishing school, but didn't quite make it in.  I've just always been a fan of the F-111.  They were indeed a great plane.  It must have been awesome to work with them.  I've probably heard them more times than I've seen them.  I grew up not far from Puckapunyal Army base and range, and we always used to hear, and feel, the "effects" of the F-111 training runs.





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