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Changed Library Insertion Points Won't Save


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After installing the NA LC module, I went into the Library Insertion Point tool to make sure that the FTX entry was in the proper place. I then got curious about whether the rest of my library entries were in the correct place. I looked in the FTX Definitive Guide and noticed that the Orbx Vector entries should be just before the Global 2010 entries. Mine were just after, so I moved them down and clicked "Save Changes", and the window closes, but when I go back the Orbx Vector entries are once again above the Global 2010 entries. Do my Vector entries need to be moved, and how do I accomplish that?

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It's the other way around, Global  above Vector.  Set the OLC entry in FTX Central above the Vector entries and save your changes.  If  you're running FSX, the OLC (in blue) can be placed just above Edwards in the sequence.  The Vector entries are somewhat further down the list.

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On my Library Insertion list, the Global 2010 entries are below the Vector entries. When I move the Global 2010 entries above the Vector entries and click "Save Changes", it's not saving the changes. When I go back to the Insertion list after saving, the Global entries are once again below the Vector entries.

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Hi there,



Illustrating what Stew said above, here's a visual aid to show the procedures to be made to adjust the "insertion points".

If you do not have Tongass X, openLC block has to be just below FTX block.

And yes, Vector block may be below FS Global mesh.






An example of how it should be your Scenery Library:







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Thanks for that, Voyager. As is shown in your screenshot, the Orbx Vector entries are below the Global 2010. On my PC, the vector entries are above the Global 2010 entries. I'm using the Library Insertion tool to move them down below the Global 2010 entries, and clicking "Save Changes", but when I go back into the Library Insertion tool to look at the list, the Vector entries are back above the Global 2010 entries.  ( I just treid again to move my entries but no luck)

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Here's a screenshot of my list after moving and saving the Vector entries. As you can see the entries have moved back above the Global 2010 entries.




My OLC and FTX entries are correct, and everything else seems to be in the proper place, so I guess I'm good even with this little issue.


Thanks for the help!




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I was able to move some things, like Orbx Friday Harbor, and have it save, so that just added to the confusion. Can you steer me to the correct scenery file as I'm having trouble pinning down the exact file that contains that info?  Thanks, Nick.


Edit: Can you also let me know where the Orbx Friday Harbor entry should go, as I'm having some terrain elevation issues with it.



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My mistake, sorry.  I thought we were talking about LandClass entries, not Global mesh.  It was late last night!  Of course, Voyager and Nick are correct in their advice.  And manually moving the Vector entries is obviously the correct method, as Nick has suggested.

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I'll post over on the Steam FSX forum with my Friday Harbor questions.  Can you let me know where I can find my scenery file that contains my vector entries that need to be moved? (I'm using FSX Steam Edition)

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You can do this using the in-simulator library.

There are a couple of "cheats", select the entry you want to move

down, click once on move down and then you can use the D key

to do the rest of the moves.

Similarly, click once on move up and then you can use the U key.

Make a note of the vector entries' order and move them underneath

the Fs Global ones.

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