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Airport Elevation Corrections


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I have installed P3D V3 ready ORBX scenery into P3D V3. Some non ORBX airports have elevation conflicts with FTX Vector so I tried to run the FTX Global Vector Configuration Tool v1.30. Under the tab 'Airport Elevation Corrections' it won't let me select the Simulator and the box is greyed out. When I click on 'Run Auto-Configuration' it asks me to select a simulator from the drop down box which I can't do. I have manually corrected airports I know about but from memory there were loads so I would prefer to run the Auto-Configuration. Is there a solution? I have the latest libraries and updates installed. I have also manually updated FTX Central 2 and checked registry entries using the RegistryFixTool but the problem remains. Everything else works ok.






Global Base FSS0245995, Global Vector FSS0257604, Global openLC Europe FSS0303978, EU England FSS0245995, EU Scotland FSS0232591, EU Wales FSS0245995, Trees HD FSS0401366.

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I have it working now. I deleted the FTX_VECTOR folder in the ORBX directory and the FTXConfigurator_VECTOR.exe in the scripts folder. What I didn't do originally as I'd forgotten was to delete a dummy Prepar3d V2 entry I made in the registry so I could install other non ORBX scenery which doesn't have and is not likely to have P3D v3 installers. Anyway, I reinstalled and it's all working now. Thanks.

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