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Blurry night textures in Win10


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So I have been having some issues with blurry textures in FSX. Day time its normally fine, I get nice crisp textures most of the time. But at night its just a blurry mess. Its particularly bad with urban areas, as the autogen buildings show up fine but the underlying textures is extremely low resolution and wont resolve higher.


I have tried every setting and as far as I can tell every tweak possible, inlcuding capping the games frame rate in different fashions to test if it had any bearing. It doesnt btw, except for daytime. Uncapping the games framerate makes it blurry in daytime too. The strange thing is I get a higher frame rates at night but worse visual fidelity. Its making night time landings bloody hard as the airports dont resolve its landing lights till sub 10k so I have to ensure its always an ILS landing or I simply cannot see the runway in time to make a clean landing.


Never saw this with windows 7, it was fairly crisp at night before I upgraded. Its like the game just flat out refuses to load textures at nightime.


I have a decent system comprising of an i7 4770k, 8gb of ram and an R9 270x 2gb card. So I should be getting far better visuals at night than I am.


I am pretty much stumped.

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Aaah .. right. Did you ever use the AMD equivalent (CCC or whatever it's called)? I wonder whether you have to remake a profile for FSX. Sounds like you've tried all the fsx.cfg voodoo, so I'm wondering whether it's more low-level than that.



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CCC comes with built in profiles. You dont edit those ones as they are hidden at the driver level. You can make a custom profile but its best not to because it can interfere with the built in profile. But the issue itself seems to be limited to some specific urban textures. Almost as if those textures are mis-labaled or similar. The game hunts around for the textures and normally pops up all the grass land ones perfectly. But Urban textures take far longer and results in blurryness.


If I had to guess I would say its a combination of the game not asking for the textures early enough, the driver not responding fast enough, the texture having data issues and the game then bogging down.

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CCC comes with built in profiles. You dont edit those ones as they are hidden at the driver level. You can make a custom profile but its best not to because it can interfere with the built in profile.


I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with CCC. However - there's a small section on it in the DX10 "How-To" guide that you might want to look at. I realise it's DX10-related, but they may be worth a try.


I always had the impression that CCC works in a similar way to nVidia Inspector - and that over-riding default/drivel-level values is exactly what you want to try to do <?>.


A bit of a digression - but it may even help - have you tried DX10 (preview) mode? If it's slightly better (though you'll have other issues), then you might want to try either Steve's free DX10 shaders or buy the Fixer. You never know!!!



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I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with CCC. However - there's a small section on it in the DX10 "How-To" guide that you might want to look at. I realise it's DX10-related, but they may be worth a try.


I always had the impression that CCC works in a similar way to nVidia Inspector - and that over-riding default/drivel-level values is exactly what you want to try to do <?>.


A bit of a digression - but it may even help - have you tried DX10 (preview) mode? If it's slightly better (though you'll have other issues), then you might want to try either Steve's free DX10 shaders or buy the Fixer. You never know!!!




DX10 is a no go, it just doesnt run properly. Massive artifacting all over the place makes it impossible to use. And I cant buy the Dx10 fixer becasue its not on sale. Also the shader pack had no effect, as I tried that in place of the fixer.


About the drivers; Its not a driver setting issue, as the options in CCC are extremely limited. Nvidia inspector is far more detailed in available settings, so I could understand getting something "wrong" in that and causing problems but its not the case here. And as an fyi, radeonPro doesnt work with windows10 or its extremely bugged at best due to the new wddm system. I tried it and it resulted in me having to do a clean driver install to fix the problems it caused.


@Dave - The current set of drivers are the only available ones that are compatible with windows 10 atm. So there is no option but to use them.


@Doogles - Will take a look at that fix as my grass is just not as detailed as that. However I do not use FTX Aero because I have REX Essentials already pre-set for airport textures and the two would conflict. But I should be able to jerry-rig in the grass manually.


Oh and just as more info in case someone asks, I dont use REX to swap out textures except for cirus clouds and lighting effects. Its basically just used for weather pattern generation only.

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DX10 is a no go, it just doesnt run properly. Massive artifacting all over the place makes it impossible to use. And I cant buy the Dx10 fixer becasue its not on sale. Also the shader pack had no effect, as I tried that in place of the fixer.


About the drivers; Its not a driver setting issue, as the options in CCC are extremely limited. Nvidia inspector is far more detailed in available settings, so I could understand getting something "wrong" in that and causing problems but its not the case here. And as an fyi, radeonPro doesnt work with windows10 or its extremely bugged at best due to the new wddm system. I tried it and it resulted in me having to do a clean driver install to fix the problems it caused.


The DX10 artefacting is possibly lack of Shader/Fixer. Sounds like you maybe didn't have the freeware shaders working properly <?>.  Also - Steve's Fixer has been back on sale for many months now.



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DX10 is a no go, it just doesnt run properly. Massive artifacting all over the place makes it impossible to use. And I cant buy the Dx10 fixer becasue its not on sale. Also the shader pack had no effect, as I tried that in place of the fixer.



 Your DX10 artifacting is caused by the newer version ATI GPU drivers, the 12.8 version is the only driver that will work ...


I am running DX10 with RadeonPro an R9 280X card with Win7...I am just in the process of doing a Win10 build on another set of drives so its good to know that Radeon Pro will not work....

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The DX10 artefacting is possibly lack of Shader/Fixer. Sounds like you maybe didn't have the freeware shaders working properly <?>.  Also - Steve's Fixer has been back on sale for many months now.




Well dang I wished someone had told me that sooner. I looked all over flightsimstore and didnt find it. Only just realised he has his own store panel on the blog page ><


@Doogles - Good call on that grass issue, I ended up re - REX 'ing my airports again and the ground textures there cleared up again. Different bump map but same end result so that helped.


As for radeonpro; I have used it in the past with win7 and ubisoft titles so I am well aware how to use it. But in win10 the configurator panel just went nuts and refused to allow any global changes after I tried to make a second fresh profile for FSX (the first one didnt go so well with some settings). I ended up with 8bit textures across the board in every title, so I simply had to remove it and re-install drivers to fix the problem. Its likely due to wddm in win10 changing, so its probably going to need a patch before its compatible.


If 12.8 was usable on win10 I would install them in a heartbeat for dx10.


But still battling the blurries. In a further development it appears as if my main windows drive is nearing retirement extremely soon. It has three sectors that are "sick" and one that has been re-allocated. If thats where some of my fsx scenery data has been residing its no wonder I have been having issues. Hopefull will replace the drive in short order and see if it has any bearing on my blurry wars.

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But in win10 the configurator panel just went nuts and refused to allow any global changes after I tried to make a second fresh profile for FSX (the first one didnt go so well with some settings). I ended up with 8bit textures across the board in every title, so I simply had to remove it and re-install drivers to fix the problem. Its likely due to wddm in win10 changing, so its probably going to need a patch before its compatible.

Just a thought ... my work laptop upgraded itself to Win 10 (arrgh!). I run a web server and MySQL databases on it and found I needed to disable UAC to make basic updates to the database server (as it runs in an elevated CMD prompt).

I wonder whether you disabling UAC would allow you to make more lower-level driver changes - or that some options in the config panel might work better. Clutching at straws here ;)


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Hello me again!


Just wanted to inform you that I *think* I might have finally cracked it. I installed pretty much every simconnect there is due to multiple issues with add-on content with the new Steam edition patch. It appears so far like this may have solved the problem. Previously I only had one simconnect installed, which was the version with REX essentials to make that work. However as I said recent patch forced some creative thinking (neccesity is the mother of invention so they say). Hopefully this is the end of my blurry woes when combined with a new HDD I have on the way.


Thanks for the advice peeps. Will update further when new HDD arives and is tested with FSX SE.

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