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KSTS - flickering ground shadows under static aircraft


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Hi all,

Sonoma is my first payware airport from Orbx, everything is great apart from when I reach 1000ft and look down at the airport all the shadows underneath the static aircraft flicker really bad. If i fly around the airport under 1000ft the problem doesnt occur. It's a really annoying issue especially on approach and final.

Not sure what info you need to help because I realise this might be linked to my AA settings and graphics drivers etc. I have FSX steam edition installed along with the latest NVIDIA drivers. i have tried older NVIDIA drivers as well and the problem hasn't gone away. I use the Steve DX10 Fixer and before this is dismissed as a DX10 issue I have rolled back to DX9 with a fresh fsx.cfg file and the problem was still present. I use NVIDIA inspector with the recommended settings for DX9 from 'Nicks bible' from simforums.com, under DX10 my NI profile is setup following advice from Steves manual and the DX10 how to guide. I can post screenshots of all this if it will help. I can also upload a YouTube video if its easier to see.

Any help is appreciated.



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Are the ground scenery shadows unchecked in the FSX scenery menu as generally recommended?

Did you install the NA Northern California region (NCA) which is required for KSTS acc. to the Orbx product notes?


BTW I could not duplicate your flickering issue below the static aircraft.



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Thanks for the reply.

Yes I have ground scenery shadows unchecked and I also have the Northern Cal region installed as well, thats why I purchased KSTS to support the region in the first place.

Any other ideas?

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Unfortunately this is an inherent problem with the z-bias between the shadows and the ground itself, so the higher your altitude, the more this effect will occur.

It can't be completely eliminated but I will note this and consider it for a future patch (I have to find a balance between the flickering amount, and not making the aircraft float too much when you're on the ground next to them!)



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It may be any number of graphics settings or system settings, it's impossible to pin it down to a single cause unfortunately.

I also tested it, and although I did notice the effect at the same altitude it was not nearly as pronounced as in your video.

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I have no idea unfortunately, sorry :-

The best solution I can give you at this stage is either wait for the patch or just disable the static aircraft in the control panel, although if this only happens at 1000FT directly overhead then it shouldn't be an issue on approach.

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Anything above approximately 1000ft and i can see it from quite a distance away, thanks anyway for your help. The flickering is too annoying to ignore so i will just disable the aircraft from the control panel.

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I have looked at this in FSX Dx10 and FSX Steam Dx10.

One aircraft has very slight flickering underneath and it needs

concentration to spot it.


As to settings, my fsx.cfg which is shared between FSX and FSX Steam

has no tweaks.

The Direct X 10 fixer is at its default settings.

I do have some altered settings in the default FSX profile in

Nvidia Inspector.

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I have disabled shadows in the display menu but this doesn't help. As you can see from my video it's really pronounced and irritating. I'm having similar issues with flickering at my uk2000 airports as well so I know it's not a specific orbx issue. Gary Summons over at uk2000 said it was a z buffering issue and not much can be done. That's fair enough but my question is why doesn't it affect everyone if it's an FSX design issue? If it's system and setting specific I would love to know where to look so I can at least reduce the flickering to a bearable level.

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And the thing that's really bugging the life out of me is the problem hasn't always been there. I have been simming since January and gone the DX10 route about 6 weeks ago. Somewhere along the line I must have tweaked something or made some change which has caused the problem. However the other day I went back to dx9 with a fresh cfg and default NVIDIA inspector settings and still had the issue so I'm at a complete loss!

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Just thought would editing the shader file cause this problem? During my quest to fix my flickering UK2000 airports a while back I manually inserted a bit of code into general10.fx following advice from DX10 Steve a while back from here FSX\ShadersHLSL. I backed up the file first, however when I launched FSX the graphics were all corrupted. When I put the original file back to my dismay FSX was still corrupted. After some googling I managed to download stock shader files from avsim I think. Anyway the problem still occurred and at this point thought I was screwed. It was only until I posted on the official dx10 forum at avsim that Steve said I had to delete the shader cache folder, \Application Data\Microsoft\FSX\and this brought everything back to life!

Could it be the stock shader folder from avsim has contributed to the problem or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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Some furter checks might be worth to try:


1. The original ShadersHLSL is also available here, established for DX10 fixer user http://www.nzfsim.org/index.php?dsp=downloads&f_sort=fixer


2. Delete the FSX.cfg and let MS rebuild a new one. So any older tuning fragments will be deleted too. Please do not forget to agree the dll files again (trust). Please make a security copy from FSX.cfg or alternativly rename the current FSX.cfg e.g. to FSX.cfg.off 


3. Set NVidiainspector (profile MS Flightsimulator X) to Nvidia default values


4. Fire up FSX in DX9, reconfigure all FSX settings and check.


BTW I assume that the latest Orbxlibs has been downloaded and installed.

IMHO I would do the DX10 fixer approach afterwards. 



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Thanks Wulf I have already done all that and the link you provided is exactly the place I got the shaders from as stated in my previous post, although I did say it was avsim. Yes I'm using the new August libraries as well.

I'm willing to give it another go though incase I missed something because I'm determined to fix this issue or at least reduce the flickering as much as possible. One question, I have recently purchased Active Sky Next, will copying over new shader folders have any adverse affects on ASN I need to be aware of?



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I've gone back to DX9 (again) with a completely clean fsx.cfg

Restored the defaults in my NVIDIA inspector profile

Copied over the ShadersHLSL folder

Deleted both Shaders and Shaders10 folder from \AppData\Local\Microsoft\FSX

Turned off shadow options in FSX display menu

Tweaked with AF and AA settings in display menu


Surprise surprise exactly the same issue.  :(


I'm beginning to think I'm chasing a ghost and as Misha Cajic says on page 1 it looks like a bug which affects some but not all users.  So unless there is some other setting (OS specific) which anyone can suggest I look at I am completely out of ideas which is really disappointing if I'm being honest, I'm using Windows 7.  I've spent hundreds on this sim and the flickering is completely ruining the experience.  Like I have said previously it isn't only the ORBX airport giving me problems.  Considering flying into airports is a massive part of the sim (obviously) it's really putting me off.  


Out of interest what version of the NVIDIA drivers are you guys using?  I'm currently using the latest set v355.60, I don't normally update my graphics drivers unless I have  really good reason to do so.  I only updated to the latest set to try and address this problem but it obviously hasn't made a blind bit of difference. 




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For a couple of month atleast I have been having increased texture flickering across FSX, shadows and default buildings seem to be the main problem areas.


I haven't put any effort into finding a solution.  If I do chance on something I'll post here but don't hold your breath.





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