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Missing Bridges

Chivenor Chopper

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Hello All, :)


This is my first time posting on this forum!


My question is, having flown around the 'Plymouth, UK' area in FTX Global, I was pleased to see that both the Tamar Road bridge and the Royal Albert Railway bridge were included in the general scenery of the area!

As expected the rest of Plymouth City wasn't as accurate or detailed as it could be; so without further ado, I installed FTX England, what a difference that made! Plymouth was quite 'believable'!

However, when flying over the River Tamar in FTX England, there are only two Very Basic Bridges (platforms up on stilts), which look quite unrealistic!

Is there any way of mixing or merging the two, so as to have these 'well known' landmarks present in FTX England?


Please don't be too technical, as I'm fairly new to flight sims!


All the best guys,


Chivenor Chopper :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys,


Further to my question about the two bridges that cross the River Tamar near Plymouth UK.


I thought that as I have so far Not had a single reply to my question, that I should perhaps at least illustrate my point!


(If I've got the hang of posting screenshots on this forum!) ::)


As you will see in the first screenshot taken while flying in FTX Global both Road AND Railway bridges are modelled really quite well! 




In the second screenshot of the same location, taken this time from FTX Europe; it can be clearly seen that both bridges are now VERY basic structures indeed! (Only saving grace is the vastly superior scenery in FTX Europe!)




My question again is, can the bridges from FTX Global be put into or modelled in FTX Europe?


I look forward to a favourable response!

Chivenor Chopper :) 


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  • 2 months later...

Hello FTX Boffins,


If you don't mind, I would like to re-ask more or less the same question regarding the lack of the 2 Tamar Bridges as depicted above; since my original post back in August, I have updated and enjoyed flying over FTX scenery, I note that with the service packs for the various areas (all up to date), improvements and additions to buildings, structures, roads etc., are ongoing all the time!

I ask again therefore, would it be at all possible for these two bridges to be added to FTX EU ENG in the next update please?


Yours in anticipation of a favourable response,


Chivenor Chopper

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