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Posts posted by Dadtom65

  1. I agree with you Sniper, it’s a great little plane. I’ve had the free one for awhile now plus where we used to live near Dadelus Airport, it was a Navy base and the Police we’re trying them out for Aerial Recon, like the Motorway near us. As you say a fantastic little plane for low and slow flight. Thanks Derek.

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  2. Lee On Solent Airport when it was a Navy training as it was about 20 years ago in the good old days when they did an Airshow every year. As I have said years ago in the house we bought it had a large bit of ground in front of us and then the Airfield so we used to go upstairs into our bedroom where we could open up the bedroom window from the inside. Think they were called Tilt and turn. They were crap at letting air in but great for the show. A couple of times we had the Concord do a couple of touch and go’s and as well as the Vulcan doing the same. That shook the house a bit I can tell you. Happy days. Thanks Derek.

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  3. Right I’m confused here. So just checked my drives and there’s no Windows Apps on my C drive but there are Windows apps folder on my D drive and my G drive and that’s the place I was going to install MSFS the G drive that is as it is an Ssd with 201 gigabyte free. Are you saying I will have to move Windows App folder off that drive. Think this because I probably use them for Steam games. Thanks Derek.

  4. Hi wolfko. I don’t think there’s any difference between 4 sticks of ram or two sticks of ram, that is if you buy them from the same supplier. They are both 32 gig of ram. But one thing is I have heard especially using just the two sticks it’s easier to fit the cooler to your Cpu as some coolers fit real low on the M/Board . I take it your thinking about the new sim as I have been. At the moment I’m just hoping my system will be able to cope, maybe not at full resolution but to be ok until I have the chance to update my computer. Thanks Derek.

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