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  1. I'm noticing some airports missing textures after MSFS SU7. Anyone else having these issues? For example EGTR. Also, reinstalling EGTR is not fixing it.
  2. Bought a new airport but after an hour still waiting on a download to complete. Server issues? My speeds are fine this end in Japan.
  3. Please consider Gold Coast CityScene for MSFS too. The default photogrammetry in MSFS is pretty underwhelming. It would pair beautifully with Brisbane and would be an instant purchase for me.
  4. Any further updates/presets planned? Given the season, it would be nice to see a ‘Snowy Thaw’ setting with snow covered landscapes, moderate cloud, but milder temperatures. Some GA planes are near impossible to fly in the current snow settings due to de-ice limitations. In addition, an ‘April Showers’ setting with low to moderate rain, but less cloud and more visibility to enjoy the landscapes, would also be great. Finally, any haze options possible? An ‘L.A Haze’ could reduce visibility a modicum and alter the colour tint for a warmer effect (similar to the scattered cloud look in the default settings). If you like your movies, the effect in the opening credits of “To Live and Die in L.A.” Is exactly where I’m heading! Anyway, just some suggestions. Enjoying the presets!
  5. Just bought the first add on but purchased through the sim mistakenly without getting the cross-platform discount. Can I get it refunded?
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