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All I have to say is FS Genesis!



I would have to agree, better deal overall, you arent going to see a huge difference between 5 and 10m mesh, and the FSgenesis mesh has much better handling of airport platues, plus covers the entire planet.

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I have FSGenesis, both the world and the US dvd's.. they are mostly 76.4m, so where are you seeing 5 and 10m? there is a little 19m in the alps, but nowhere else I believe. The mesh at pro-mesh is, I believe, 10m, and I am really interested in the UK stuff. Has anyone tried it yet?. Teecee.

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I have the Hawaii 5m promesh, and I like it a lot, combined with the megascenery for that area

(shame about the clouds on the hills and the lack of colour, but I wont go there)


for some reason I have a soft spot for hires mesh

I don't have the English pro mesh, simply because I don't fly there, I heard its good but misses Ireland/and maybe some of the islands possibly even scotland but i'm not sure on that fact, if it had Ireland I would buy it (grew up there) because in the flightsim world Ireland will always be a "grim" place just like in RL

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Thanks MC, I think I will have to splash out and get the UK stuff.. mostly interested in Britain anyway, as I am a Pom, born in Yorkshire. I have Horizon's North Wales and up to the Scottish border, and the mesh under that is quite good, but still lacking a little something. Teecee.

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I have FSGenesis, both the world and the US dvd's.. they are mostly 76.4m, so where are you seeing 5 and 10m? there is a little 19m in the alps, but nowhere else I believe. The mesh at pro-mesh is, I believe, 10m, and I am really interested in the UK stuff. Has anyone tried it yet?. Teecee.

All of North America and Hawaii are 10m, Canada and Alps are 19m, Alaska and Mexico are 38m, the rest of the world is 76.  FSDreamscapes are 5m, but they had terrible airport plateaus in all the meshes I tried.

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Um, TeeCee; you do realise that the FSX mesh and the Fs9 mesh from FSG are totally different? If you only have the Fs9 version, check out the FSX specs on the FSG site.


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The UK ProMesh uses the same 5m source data as Horizon's GenX. If you have GenX v2, the processing in that is slightly better than ProMesh, but ProMesh is much better than Horizon's v1 (which suffered badly from terrace banding).

ProMesh also has the advantage of covering Scotland, which Horizon doesn't.

As far as airport plateaux goes, you'll get that with any addon mesh to some extent. The UK2000 VFR Airfields series solves the issue by placing a curtain of sloping flattens around each airfield, and so blending them in. There are also many freeware addon airfields which you can download from links in their forum (most by Tony Meredith, but a couple also by me) and these also have blending flattens.

FSGenesis gets around the plateau issue by distorting the mesh. But this is only in North America - "Rest of the world" is just as bad as ever it was, and it doesn't address the rivers/lakes plateau issue at all. (I had to switch off the Africa addon mesh, because it was just unbearable!)

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Sue, I have the FSX mesh from Genesis, but to be certain I wrote to Justin.. his reply "76M with a little 19M in the Alps.." I also have Horizon's Photoreal North of England and the mesh in it is truly brilliant, so I am looking to bring the rest of the UK in line with that.. I do not want the rest of the UK in photoreal from Horizon, because I don't like the garish colours they use, so my thinking is perhaps the Pro-mesh will do the trick.. and from what tim_a writes, this may well be the answer. Teecee.

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