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Just installed Orbx Trees and now downloading huge update.


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I installed Orbx trees last night and now it tells me I need to download an update to Orbx Library that has 2258 files with kinds of names like railroad tracks, etc... What on earth is this update for, because I don't have any Orbx products except the trees. I am not thrilled with the trees either, because now I noticed microstutters on my P3D that were not there before the install. The update number is 150331. 

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The update you are refering to is the latest Orbx Libraries that are always required to be ran last after every Orbx scenery addition, they can also be found at the bottom of the support page, there is an FSX version and a P3DV2 version. Orbx libs 150331 also installs FTX Central V2, which is required for your Trees HD to work. After the FTX Central V2 icon is on your desktop, run it, click on settings in the lower left corner and select bothTrees HD check box, and Orbx Trees.





....without this and the continuous future Orbx libs updates none of your Orbx products will work. :)

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I ran the update as you suggested, same problem, P3D crashed into a 1/2 hour flight. I found the uninstall script this morning and uninstalled the trees, and now P3D is back to normal. I do have a question, I noticed that there is a folder in my User folder that contains among other things, FTX Central 2. I would like to remove this from my PC, is there an uninstall for that, or can I safely just delete the folder and it's contents?  

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Before you installed your Trees, did you extract the compressed download into a separate folder first, before clicking on the .exe? :)


Yes, of course. If I didn't uncompress it ,  how on earth would it run? You can't run a zipped exe file.  

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Yes, of course. If I didn't uncompress it ,  how on earth would it run? You can't run a zipped exe file.  


Very easy! It gets done all the time lol...just click on it and the problems begin....and yes I am sure you can safely delete the FTX Central files....but there is obviously something else seriously wrong with your setup.....FTX Trees HD is a simple tree texture replacement, the visual and performance improvements are phenomenal....we would sure like to help you get this up and running....surely someone else will join in with some ideas....did you get the FTX Central V2 icon on your desktop?

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I got the icon on the desktop. I am using windows 7. As soon as the trees were installed, my P3D which had been running as smooth as silk, began getting micro stutters as I flew and  it loaded scenery, which I had never seen before. I also noticed that the FPS, which I have locked to 30, started bouncing around from around 23-29, which I also had never seen.  As the flight progressed the stutters got worse and longer, and finally it looked like an old version of Fs9 running on a Pentium 4 with 1 gig of ram, and then P3D crashed. This happened several times. I uninstalled the trees using the script uninstall file I found in the folder, and the problem instantly went away, and now my P3D is back to normal. Frankly, I would rather not take a chance installing this again.  

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HD Trees were tested without any problem with P3D. Let's do it simple so can you please provide more information about your installation:

- characteristics of your rig

- version of P3D

- third party addon activated

- locations where you experience the problem (with screenshots if possible)

- settings of your FTX Central v2

anything else you estimate to be useful for investigation.



What on earth is this update for, because I don't have any Orbx products except the trees.

ORBXlibs are needed for ALL ORBX products.

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Windows 7, i5 4G, 6 GB ram, GTX 750 ti.  P3D runs extremely well with Pro ATC, Active Sky N, FS 2 Crew, Majestic Q400, and has very stable frame rates locked to 30. I did a normal install of the Trees, then the FX central told me I needed to run an update. I started downloading the update, saw many file names that had nothing to do with trees, and cancelled the download about 1/4 of the way in.  I then flew P3D on a 2 hour flight, and almost immediately I got micro stutters, which I had never had, and they continued to get worse, and eventually P3D just froze and then crashed. I posted my problem here, and it was suggested that I needed to run the update, so I downloaded the update files again, around 2058 of them if I recall correctly, and installed them.  Started P3D on the same 2 hour flight, and about 30+ minutes in it locked up again. I continued to see stuttering and what looked like the the performance I got from  FS9  many years ago as you flew around with the textures slowly loading, which again I had never ever  seen in P3D.


Now I was facing the possibility of having to do a reinstall of P3D because I had no idea what had been changed in P3D by this update program I ran or the installation of the trees. I then located an uninstall script in the Orbx folder, ran it, and now my P3D is back to normal and working perfectly again.  The only thing that I did not do, which someone strongly suggested  on another forum would have fixed my problem, is I did not delete the shader cache in P3D. I had seen no mention of having to delete  this cache after installing the trees,  in the instructions that came with the trees, and so far nobody on this forum had mentioned this as a possible cure. Since I have already uninstalled the trees, there is no way for  me to verify that this was indeed the problem, and if it was, I am wondering why this advice  is not  included in the manual for the product.  

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Hi Bobsk8

I know you are upset and obviously angry about what has happened ( from the tone of reading your emails), and about the money you spent, but as a user of FTX for many years, the scenery and airports really are beautiful and worth putting the time in to make it work, especially the trees. When I say these sceneries are at the top of the market, it really is true. If your a VFR pilot, it is just stunning to fly around and into these Orbx airports. If your into Heavies only, then it probably won't help so much, except for the Global series of products and the airfields that take heavies. With VFR flying, when landing at other commercial airports, you can really see the difference in quality and the Orbx stuff really stands out. Almost every review states Orbx products are great and hard to beat.

The front page of the website is probably a little outdated now due to the number of products and the complexity, and so probably fails for new people buying into Orbx products, and how it all works, etc, and this is where you have probably highlighted that very issue, thus the Orbxibs library and the Ctx Central caught you out as they were unexpected.

Whilst every computer is different, try to trust these guys to get the trees working properly on your system as the trees do look great and a lot of people have gained not only better looking trees, but a few fps. They really are worth trying to get working. The developers will go to great lengths to help you out and work through the issue, so give it a go, and give them a chance to help you. They really are passionate about their products.

So think about giving Orbx another chance and read "Book One" - an definitive intro into Orbx and how it all works (goes through FTX in detail). Sadly I can't remember the link (again would be most helpful on front page). I am sure someone else will post the link. But read that before trying to load again and I am sure many offer of help will be given to you.

Best of luck and hope it all works out for you.


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Hi Bob,


I would be very surprised if the libraries could cause very noticeable microstuttering if you only have HD Trees installed. The libraries are supporting assets for regions and airports, generic objects used in and around these areas. There are a few other core applications like FTX Central included with the libraries but none run while the simulator does. The libraries also have a single scenery library entry, necessary so the objects load. As a result the simulator will index the libraries and make a list of the models and GUIDs contained within, but none are loaded unless called by a placement file. HD Trees does not load any of the library objects since it is just a tree replacement, so all that ends up loading is a cached index of objects. It's very safe to have the libraries installed, they just sit around doing nothing unless called. 


If you would like to uninstall everything in one fell swoop, here's the FAQ to do so:







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Well that is what I anticipated, frankly, no solution on this forum other than to uninstall the product. That figures. Won't ever buy anything by Orbx again.   


When you say something like "I would rather not take a chance installing this again" is there any point in anyone trying to help you? You have basically got what you wanted which is Orbx Trees off your system.


There is no doubt a very simple solution to this which in all likelihood has nothing to do with Orbx Trees which is a superb add on and works perfectly on my system. But if you aren't going to give people the opportunity then there is no point in complaining.

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