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Download Vector 1.20 update

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I have tried many times to download the 5.6Gb Vector 1.20 update file. Using Google Chrome as a browser and I tried it with a download manager on my home PC and on a laptop computer.

It always fails and I end up with an unusable file.


I always start software as an admin.


Can you please tell me how and where this file can be downloaded without it getting corrupted?





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I fear I cannot help you further then, I can visit my account at the Flight Sim Store

and using the Internet Download Manager, the download starts as it should.

I have a very slow broadband connection, so I cannot wait 11 hours to see if it


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Don't forget to investigate if there are any troubles with your internet provider. Poor and loss of connexion sometimes occur.

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This issue appears from time to time in the forum and quite often Chrome is the browser...  You should try with another browser. I use the IE10 with FDM without any problem in spite of a bad and slow connexion . 

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@jabble Thanks. This downloader did it!

It only installed some horrible peace of software that took me some time to remove....

Good to hear it worked, but it shouldn't actually install anything - it's a Java app that is run directly via a shortcut - removing it simply means removing the folder. I see the page has a number of adverts - maybe you clicked on one of them?

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Well, I did a search and it turns out they're very aware, and issued this statement after this  of angry users complaining. The statement was issued in February, yet the problem clearly continues.  Not good at all.  A pity, it used to be a good product.  Again, sorry for the recommendation guys - I'm only now catching up with the new situation.

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