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Yes, you are correct. The existence of the NL2000 project was given as the reason for removing FTX EU Netherlands from the roadmap. I was really looking forwards to that one, having been born there, lived there and weaned on Nasi Goreng.

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No, it doesn't (do a bad job I mean). In fact those freeware NL2000 airfields blend quite well too. I have photo real coverage of the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK as well as vast swathes of the United States on another sim anyway, so  I've got it covered from all angles! >:D .

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In fact those freeware NL2000 airfields blend quite well too.

Hi Mike


I had a look some months back but the airports seemed to have some proprietary format to integrate them in NL200 (nl2 suffix) making ptoblematic to add them into OpenLC EU. I gave up maybe too quickly as the NL are not my usual flying ground.

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Hi Dominique.


I understand what you mean. In fact I had forgotten that the NL2000 installer was required to convert the nl2 files, and (for me) it created a couple of problems when installing to FTX Global, and then again when uninstalling. I don't remember it being an issue in FSX, but In P3D V1:4 it wiped out a key texture file, which I could replace with those from my FSX install, so no big issue (for me), and when uninstalling, it took out my BAE 146 payware aircraft, presumably because the NL2000 package had some similarly named files amongst the ai, so you are right to point out your concerns.


What I eventually did (being a control freak) was to install everything into P3D V1:4, then saved the airfield folders to a safe location, uninstalled P3D and then reinstalled. This was a long time ago, and I've not used the NL2000 installer since. Now I just add those airfields manually into FSX, P3D (V 1:4) and FSX-SE, photo scenery and/or FTX Global (with Open LC) and they seem to work just fine in any combination.


For Dadtom65, I'd say its probably worth trying the airfields via the NL2000 installer. Open LC wasn't around when I installed the NL2000 airfields, so things might now be more problematic, but if you enjoy flying in Holland, and you get them to work, they are quite nice!

NL2000 Maastricht in FTX Global, vectors and Open LC.


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I think it's a pity Orbx won't do Holland (or the Benelux because Holland on it's own is too small) because imho NL2000 isn't that good (and it's photo real so completely different than an Orbx region) and Vector (plus OpenLC) makes a bit of a mess of it all, specially in the west were there are a lot of small waters. I'd love to see a well done FTX region containing Holland! But well, on the other hand: it's a rather boring country to fly above so I rather stay in Norway anyway. ;)

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Yes, those numerous small water bodies on the North West coast seem to merge into one big flood plain until you are almost on top of them (in MY setup), which can be visually jarring! The East coast of Norfolk tends to look similar, which is why I tend to pull the visibility settings right down and use FTX global primarily for IFR flying, (as both of those regions are important to me personally). The photo real NL2000 nestled between FTX England and a hypothetical FTX Germany would look pretty awful, I agree. I actually like photo real, but only when one photo real country (or state) adjoins another, and although far, FAR from perfect, its my own preference for lazy Sunday 'low n slow' flying in the Alabeo Pitts (or some similarly unchallenging kite), with a cup of Earl Grey in one hand and a 'Bacon Butty' clenched between my chops.
FTX 'Benelux' would be a better idea than Holland in isolation. The glow of Amsterdam's 'Red Light' district reflecting in the canals would make for some enticing previews, but beyond that, only the occasional 'windmill flow' to keep us entertained >:D . Na, I'm kidding of course! Those vast estuaries would look gorgeously bleak in Photo Real once the FTX artists have applied their brushstrokes, and as a transition to Germany from the UK it would be indispensable.

Is this what you mean by 'mess' JvE (with regards to the water bodies)? or is mine just a freaky example of really inapropiate slider settings'?


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