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Default FSX Cockpit Sounds folder

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Hello, Gents.  In installing sounds for the switches in the Porter PC6 cockpit (the freeware version), I messed up part of the install and mistakenly overwrote the default fsx cockpitsounds folder located in the FSX\gauges folder.  I believe it includes a CockpitSounds.ini file which is needed to enable the cockpit sounds to be audible (switch clicking, parking brake engaging, etc. etc.).


Just wondering if someone might be able to zip a copy of this cockpitsounds folder and post it here, or put it in a dropbox so that I can dl it? 


Thanks for any help you can offer.



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Hi Stewart, searched my whole system but no such file to be found any ware? By the way, the PC 6 sound is linked directly to the C208B Caravan's sound folder, it doesn't come with it own sounds.

Where is this file supposed to be and what exactly does it do? seems fanny a sound.ini file would be in the Gauges file?


Hi Nick, where did you find that folder? does it come with a payware airplane?



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I don't think there is a default FSX\Gauges\Cockpit sounds folder.

I think you can download it again and any other files by searching the Avsim library for

Daniel Gauthier in the FSX section.


I have attached mine in case it's of any use to you but it depends on which aircraft you

have that I do too.

Thank you, Nick.  I found the CockpitSounds file in the download I did a few days ago, but has considerably fewer entries than the one you posted.  Also, I have inserted the KeyEvent_SND_PC6 into the CockpitSounds.ini, per the instructions, so now we'll see what happens.  Last night, in fiddling with this stuff, I was unable to get any cockpit sounds in the PC6.

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Hi Stewart, searched my whole system but no such file to be found any ware? By the way, the PC 6 sound is linked directly to the C208B Caravan's sound folder, it doesn't come with it own sounds.

Where is this file supposed to be and what exactly does it do? seems fanny a sound.ini file would be in the Gauges file?


Hi Nick, where did you find that folder? does it come with a payware airplane?



Herman, That folder is in the original download, called cockpitsounds_v2.  Then, whatever aircraft you want to produce these sounds you insert *another* file inside it.  For the PC6, the file you download is called cockpitsounds_pc6.  But the technique evidently can be used with most any aircraft that doesn't have built-in cockpit sounds, as long as you insert its (the desired aircraft's) file into that cockpitsounds_v2 (unzipped) file, and then follow some other instructions to modify your panel.cfg file.  I think the whole subject is in the AVsim library, as Nick points out.  That's where I found it.

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Hi Stewart, found it, not easy to install ; first download the dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau file from dawson's site and copy this .gau into your gauges folder, then download Cockpit sounds V2 and copy the cockpitsounds folder ( the folder with all the .wav files ) into your Gauges folder and finally copy the key event thing that comes with the cockpitsounds_PC6 download  into that same cockpitsounds  folder in the gauges folder and then change the panel.cfg from the PC6 and that worked for me.



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Hi Stewart, found it, not easy to install ; first download the dsd_fsx_xml_sound.gau file from dawson's site and copy this .gau into your gauges folder, then download Cockpit sounds V2 and copy the cockpitsounds folder ( the folder with all the .wav files ) into your Gauges folder and finally copy the key event thing that comes with the cockpitsounds_PC6 download  into that same cockpitsounds  folder in the gauges folder and then change the panel.cfg from the PC6 and that worked for me.



"...not easy to install".  Boy, you're telling me!  I did copy Dawson's .gau into the gauges folder.  Check.  Also, copied the cockpitsounds folder into the gauges folder.  Check. And copied the keyevent thingy into the cockpitsounds folder.  Check.  But I think I might not have changed the panel.cfg correctly.  Gauthier states to "add the following lines into the panel.cfg file of the PC-6_H2\panel."  But he doesn't state exactly where in that file it should be placed, and I think therein lies my problem.  Where did you put those three lines (gauge31=........, .\gauges\cockpitsounds\....., and gauge32=......) he's talking about ?   I think this will solve the problem, hopefully.




Edit to add:  You know something?  I originally interpreted his instructions to somehow enter those 3 lines twice...but now I realize he only meant to enter them once, into the [Vcockpit01] section, not enter them anywhere else.......Is that what you did?

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There is a list of gauges going up to 30, his entries have the numbers 31 and 32, just copy them from the TXT file that came with the Key_event thing and paste them under the number 30 and save and that should do it. He has an example from that list of gauges with the 2 entries added.



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There is a list of gauges going up to 30, his entries have the numbers 31 and 32, just copy them from the TXT file that came with the Key_event thing and paste them under the number 30 and save and that should do it. He has an example from that list of gauges with the 2 entries added.



Herman,  Finally got it sorted.  I did indeed copy his entries and pasted them underneath #30.  Here was the problem:  the line in his txt file, the .\gauges\cockpitsounds\cockpitsounds.ini, was on a separate line, so I thought it should be on its own line, but actually it should have been on the same line as gauge31=.... etc.  I have all the sounds now.  It was a problem with how his txt file was formatted in notepad that ultimately caused my confusion.  Silly me......



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