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Hybrid Mode problem


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Maybe its me just learning more about how to use FTX but I recently did a flight from Tirana, Albania to the UK in my Aerosoft Airbus and immediately after take off, in the climb noticed a lot of lakes in the landscape and strange scenery "tiles" which, as I got closer changed to the proper landscape.


It is something like the "morphing" thing except that never righted itself when I flew with my Europe Region instead of Global.


This happened now when I had Global selected but included Hybrid Mode as I was ultimately flying into the UK where I have detailed regions.


I just now tried the same take off using just the default Cessna and when in Hybrid Mode the same thing happens whereas with Hybrid Mode unticked its works just fine - no lakes!


Can someone please define when you should use Hybrid Mode?



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Hi there,


you were using the correct setting for your flight. From your description though it sounds like your scenery library menu entries are not in the right order, perhaps you have the openLC entries above the Orbx FTX block (they should be below) or some other add-on that includes landclass for Europe that isn't compatible with Global/openLC?


See http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/81831-setting-your-openlc-entries/


Cheers, Holger

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Thank you Holger for your help as always.


Unfortunately I have worked on this using every computation I can and even with every other add on switched off the problem still occurs. There is no question at all that the "lakes" only appear when I have FTX Central on Global WITH Hybrid Mode switched ON! If I switch Hybrid Mode off the "lakes" are not there!


All of my FTX products appear to be in the right order. The only ones I am unsure of is the ORBX!VECTOR_OBJ, _APT, _CVX, _EXX (whcih all run from scenery library numbers 178-181 and the ORBX!VECTOR_AEC which is way down the list at 278.


To be clear about the problem I find that fine details such as houses, etc tend not to appear until I get within a mile or two of them and this is more or lesss what is happening with these "lakes". They are tiles which appear as water until my PC works out that there should be fields or houses there.


Also to clarify I have run these tests with every other add on switched off in the scenery library so it cannot influence the problem. In fact when I switch on my LATI Tirana payware scenery it improves the "lake" situation directly after the runway. In default Tirana there is a "lake" appearing as soon as I leave the runway.


I hope this explains.





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Hi Tony,


hmm, it's difficult to understand what's going on from your verbal description. It would be helpful to post a few representative screenshots (with coordinates via Shift-Z) of the issue, perhaps from both FTX Central modes. In particular, I'm not clear whether what you describe as lakes are actual water polygons or just texture corruptions that appear like water (your description indicates the latter hence my initial response).


How to post screenshots in our forum: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/


As for Vector it's correct that its entries are far down among the default entries. The crucial point regarding Orbx products is that the block of FTX_ entries has to sit above (=at higher display priority) those of the ORBX!OPENLC block.


Cheers, Holger

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One really interesting fact I didn't know Holger was that when you apply Global region without Hybrid Mode and you look in your scenery library it completely removes ALL your FTX detailed regional entries in the library, it doesn't just untick them. When I first saw that I wondered what was going on!! However when you tick Hybrid or reapply Europe they appear again!


Obviously this has no relevance to my problem but when I first saw it I thought it did! Very unnerving  when you don't know the detail of how these products work!





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Hi Tony,


Global without hybrid mode essentially means you're setting the sim back into default status (as far as Orbx products is concerned) with the only difference that the Global Base landclass and autogen textures remain active. In contrast, Global hybrid activates all your currently installed regions and airports in a "compromise" mode that allows you to fly globally without having to switch FTX Central depending on your flight plan.


Your first screenshot does indicate the issue mentioned in my first response. There's a layer active in your scenery library menu that contains landclass calls for which the sim can't find any textures and thus it displays a jumbled mess of random textures, some of which are water textures. Typically, this happens if users have their openLC entries at higher display priority than the FTX block. If that's not the case then perhaps your openLC installation is incomplete or corrupt; do you have those ten ORBX!OPENLC_EUROPE entries plus the ORBX!OPENLC_BASE?


Also, are your Orbx Libraries up to date? https://www.fullterrain.com/support#Orbxlibs


Cheers, Holger

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I have all ten ORBX!OPENLC_EUROPE entries and the ORBX!OPENLC_BASE all placed after the FTX Regional entries. So does this mean one of them is corrupt? If so how do I find out out which one or do I have to download every one again! (pleeease nooo!) They take forever to download!



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I have all ten ORBX!OPENLC_EUROPE entries and the ORBX!OPENLC_BASE all placed after the FTX Regional entries. So does this mean one of them is corrupt? If so how do I find out out which one or do I have to download every one again! (pleeease nooo!) They take forever to download!





Could you be experiencing the same problem a few of us had as reported in this thread, together with a solution:






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Update! I have just reloaded FSX and tried the default Cessna out of Innsbruck with hybrid ticked and there was absolutely no morphing! So I tried the default Bombardier CRJ700 out of Jersey (not in the EU detailed Regions) again it was perfect. So I tried the same aircraft out of Tirana and all was fine. This is very strange.


Holger I did try to update my Libraries as you suggested but the file I downloaded (several times) won't open as it is "corrupt" or "incomplete". I tried to download several from the Support site. Some download ok but most do not. Not sure if there is a problem with the site. There is no doubt my LC regions are not the latest updates but if I can't download the updates I will have to leave them as they are.


I will continue flying with hybrid ticked where appropriate and if the same thing occurs again I will reopen this thread. Watch this space!

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