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ddl.xml issue with RAASPRO


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While troubleshooting lack of buildings at OG39, (i didn't do much except follow ORBX guys instructions) it was discovered all the Launch.Addon were missing except 6 lines for PMDG.  Walter was kind enough to send me his ddl.xml file and that returned everything to normal, building and all.  Thanks Walter.


I have a nuisance error now.  When starting FSX the startup pauses half way through with a message saying RAAS Professional is out of date and asking if I want to update.  If i say "yes" it can't update. So, I say no and the start-up continues and FSX run normally.


As I said, this is just a nuisance.  Just wondering, Walter, if you have any thoughts on this.


Thanks, and best regards, 




PS: A terrain region for USA Southwest, which includes Nevada and Arizona would be welcomed.  I am really getting into the full terrain experience; just added Southern Alaska and Pacific Fjords to my library, completing what you guys offer in USA

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I got this too - it's for the Aerosoft Airbus?


When you click on the "Update" button/link it should fire up a browser and download the update file for you. You then need to find it and execute it (having closed the sim first).


Next time you launch the sim you should find it's OK.



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Thanks, that fixed the problem.  What's interesting, I don't have an Aerosoft Airbus on my system.  I only have the MSFSX default Airbus.  Go figure. But that fixed the nuisance, so that's what is important.


Issue resolved.


Best regards.



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This is clearly a problem of using somebody else config files like the mentioned dll.xml above. IMHO it is a complete nonsense to give somebody those files, as they are individualized to each system upon they where built.

A good explanation about the dll.xml and how to troubleshoot can be found here: http://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb/a92/dll_xml-information-and-troubleshooting.aspx

A handy tool can be found here: http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library

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I totally agree with that - and that the same logic applies to ALL core FSX config files.

@Jim - it's possible the PMDG created a *new* version of dll.xml rather than simply adding entries to an existing one. I'd say that'd be unusual for a company of PMDG's calibre. Maybe it kept a backup of the old one somewhere <?>.

The only comparable thing I've come across is when updating A2A Accusim aircraft. Many of your original aircraft.cfg files are replaced (for good reason) - but you're warned about that, and backups are always created for you, so you can copy back your custom repaints/liveries etc.


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Otto: yes, its just your opinion re: someone else's dll.xml file.  However, without Walter's help, I would have never got this fixed, so thanks again Walter.  It's a mystery to me how my dll.xml file was left with only six lines of PMDG 777 stuff.  But, I'm just a user, not a programmer.  I do have A2A Accusim B-17 installed, but don't recall having OG39 problems after that installation.  I think this is related to the PMDG installation.


I admit I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer at 72 and 8.5 years after a bilateral lung transplant, and while somewhat technically competent (i've been running FSX on a 27" iMac successfully for several years, under bootcamp and windoz 7) I read the PMDG troubleshooting guide before asking for help, but I confess it was beyond my understanding.


Anyway, my issue has been successfully resolved with help from Orbx folks, so thanks again.  BTW, PMDG had no help to offer, except to say 95% of the dll.xml stuff was missing and offered to look at the file Walter sent me, saying it looked OK.


Regards to all,



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