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Active Sky Next

John York

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I've posted elsewhere in passing how impressed I am with ASN.  However, as its been raining a lot lately (it seems to follow me around! ::)) I have noticed an anomoly;  If it rains, it's not only raining from within the clouds and below them, but also it above them from clear blue skies.


Now this is somewhat disconcerting don't you think?


I've tried to contact Active Sky but they make it extremely difficult even to send them a message so just to get it off my chest, I'm posting what amounts to a small complaint about their product here.





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Herman, my feeling is P3D or Active Sky...more certainly Active Sky, should fix it if its so well known.


Yes, that's one thing about flight simming Lawrence.  No matter what you do, your 'plane always comes back out of the hanger looking as good as it did when you installed it! ;D



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Hi John, happy waiting, FSX as well as P3D ( virtually the same product ) have a lot of bugs that no one can fix since they are in the core where nobody has permission for to do something. Opus is already searching over 2 years for a solution and can't fix it because they can't get in the core program and the Aces team that developed FSX ( and therefore also P3D ) has been fired a long time ago by B. Gates so who is going to fix it then??

Let us know in a year or 5 if it got fixed but I doubt it and honestly, it doesn't disturb me at all.



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Makes me wonder just how much Lockheed paid Microsoft for the licence if part of the contract precludes them from making corrections.



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I think is that many people don't understand what P3D is really about, LM bought the license from MS to create a professional sim solely ment for people that are actually in training for become real world pilots, not for amateurs like us like they stated at some time at their site hense the big difference in price for 2 basically the same products. They also stated at some time on their site that they don't care about the problems amateurs are having with scenery and stuff and that is why they probably bought the license cheap without all core secrets, just enough for them to adapt the program for their professional needs. And that is why I stay with my 30$ FSX  and don't switch to the 60$ P3D.



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I think you're very wise Herman.   I was very satisfied with my FSX 10 working with Steve's Fixers.  However, I allowed myself to be persuaded by people more expert than me who were telling me P3D was the next FSX and already a much improved version.  


Not only that, when I got completely frustrated with wrestling with a new computer, Windows 8 Pro and P3D, in desperation, I actually went back to FSX!  Then foolishly allowed myself to be persuaded again by those very same people who have since admitted to me that they have also kept FSX! ::)


Easily led and gullible.  That's me!  ;)  


Still, now that it's working well for me I haven't really many complaints except for this one and scarecity of P3D ready aircraft.



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Also note that one sale of an F-35 aircraft is more profitable then the entire P3D program. The large majority of Lockheed Martin employees most likely never heard of P3D or even care because the best of their best is working on things like the F-35 or other major projects and probably putting in an 80+ hour a week workload to even care about it.

P3D is just a little side thing for them to provide some commercial based training at low costs and a good foot in the door for someone junior wanting a job at LM, so yes Herman is correct, they don't really care about you.

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Call me Mr.Cynical but in my opinion that would describe pretty much any company these days.As long as you pay em the money they are happy,the slightest complaint and they deem it a grave insult and quote the you don't have to buy mantra at you.

As I say most NOT all.

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Most addons that work in FSX, work in P3D; including the default FSX aircraft. Some companies forbid the use of their aircraft in P3D and that is to be respected. Apart from that, P3D is FSX in the process of being fixed. Not gonna happen fast. Easier to build a new house than rebuild the old. But it is what it is. I'm looking forward to a 64 bit version of P3D. OK off my soapbox. I think that P3D is part of a training package that LM offers to organizations. Software, hardware and trainers. Just my guess.


I just got into helicopters. Man oh man...do I have a lot to learn! Oh yeah...am I off topic or what.


My understanding is Herman is quite right. Rain from clear skies bordering clouds is not an addon thing. Perhaps, at some point, LM will fix it, or the addon makers will find a way around it.

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You're in for a frustrating time with helicopters, especially in P3D Graham.  I'm waiting for the P3D version of the Dodo Bell.  It's great and some folk here have got the FSX version to work with P3D but I couldn't.  It's certainly a great helicopter to learn on because it has, I seem to remember, 8 levels of difficulty to choose from. 


You do need a good sensitive joystick and a light touch.  Also a throttle that allows you to feather the blades.  Easier to come to a near hover and land with that facility.


Good luck with it anyway.  They are fun and very good for viewing scenery close up,



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Hi John,

I got the Dodo. When I get into the air I feel as though I'm on the end of a yoyo. Vicious amount of bounce. Only way to make it go away is to turn EZDok dynamic head movement off. That may be a fake solution. Isn't DHM a response to movement of the aircraft? Maybe I'll try turning on the native DHM for the Dodo.

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Speaking of Active Sky Next.


I've had ASE for years and think it's ok.  Been looking at ASN but even with the owner discount, it's about $30.  Tried the ASN demo and it seems pretty similar and don't know if it's worth upgrading.  Thought about asking in the hifi forum but figured I'd get sugar coated answers there.  If there are any of you who have experience with both, would you mind giving a non-technical comparison?

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If you use PMDG aircraft it does support the weather radar that is on the 777 and forthcoming on the 737 NGX.


Not sure if that is the case on the Airbuses that Aerosoft produce.


My understanding is that coupled with something like Rex Textures ASN is a massive improvement on its predecessor.



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I'm using Active Sky Next in conjunction with REX Esentials and REX 4.  Essentials give me the colours I want in both water and sky, Rex 4 gives me the water textures and clouds I want and Active Sky collects them all and gives me the most accurate rendition of Real World Weather I've ever seen.


Graham. TGhere is a definite technbique to flying helicopters. I don't know what EZDok does but it seems to me you need to damp down your Throttle and Joystick settings and lighten your touch.  Very small slow gentle movements are the way.   And to take off, or come down slide the throttle very slowly.


Mind you,  if you're using P3D, you are using an aircraft that's not P3D enabled so that could lead to all sorts of problems.  If trhat's the case, try the P3D default R44 Robinson.  That flies quite nicely, but I find its a pig to hover and land.



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