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What are the negative effects of installing to program files?

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So I noticed that REX and Orbx recommend that the main FSX directory is outside of the program files folder, however provided UAC is turned off, are there any negative effects to this? I'm currently reinstalling the FSX:SE, and I found out that you can't change the install path within Steam unless you change the directory for every Steam game which I didn't want to have to do.

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Both the program files and program files (x86) folders are subject

to a higher degree of security by Windows Vista, 7 and 8.

Disabling the User Account Control does not remove all of this.


Numerous problems can be caused by Windows inhibiting the use

of files within these folders, because other .exe files are controlled just as

the user is.


The simplest way to avoid these unnecessary complications is to

install a program in a location other than these two and therefore

away from the enhanced security, hence the recommendation.


Like all recommendations, you are free to heed or ignore it.

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