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Ok-I Give up!

John York

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I've spent hours looking for where I bought my Dodo Sim and can't damn well find it!  


Strangely, I don't have a disc of it either for back up.


Can someone kindly put me out of my misery and tell me where I can buy one that I can use with the Estonia Migration Tool to install it into P3D please?



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I suppose I must have Spirit but I have neither a recollection of buying it or a record of purchase which is most unlike me.


Thanks for the link.  Its a bit dear isn't it but I'll get it in the next couple of days.


Thanks again.



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If it is loaded already into FSX  I just copy the whole folder out of FSX Simobjects  and save to desktop and then paste the contents ie Dodo Sim into P3D.Simobjects

This has worked for almost any plane that I own in FSX and I do not own any migrator tool.


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I have a habit of keeping a copy of the confirmation mail in a file that I named "buys" in my mail account, I have another file called "log ins" that is self explainatory.  But I do come across your problem sometimes, just recently I moved to P3D 2 and had a similar issue with my A320 Extended.  Also if there downloads you have to be careful that they dont expire.  With age all these updates and keeping track drives me nut´s sometimes! Good luck Johny! Dont forget to look at the Milviz B407, it´s a sweet little thing ::) 





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