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From Caldwell, Idaho to Owyhee Reservoir, Oregon Fly-In for Crappie fishing and breakfast. Unfortunately the Army Air Force student pilot crashed at the destination, but was not seriously hurt. The remaining Idaho Mountain Pilots greased it in on the short field (except me) and had a great time. It's just a short flight from the Idaho Treasure Valley to the Owyhee Mountains in Oregon.. 


I know ... needs some cleanup but I was running out of time. I know there is a setting for the mouse cursor but I didn't see it and running out of time ... also the red text but I was re-doing my EzDok settings and forgot. :wacko: 


I'm hoping Orbx will do some scenery for Boise, Idaho (Treasure Valley) so I can improve on the scenery. We have major manufacturing plants here (HP and Micron) so we're not exactly out in the sticks here.  250,000 in the area.


The planes are Milton Shupes Spartan Executive (free) and comes with many variants.  MegaEarthScenery for the Oregon mountains (terrible for cities though) and Ezdok for camera modes ... which I am finally beginning to like!!!!!  :D 



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Thanks guys ....  I learn a lot when I do these flights ...


Yes Anthin, exactly.  I use FS Recorder for multiple succeeding flights of different paints of the same aircraft.  On each flight I reload the previous flight by clicking on "Play as Traffic" and then run FS Recorder again which will include the previous aircraft in flight in the new recording, that is it includes the last recorded aircraft and you build on that.  I use ShadowPlay on each flight that might have something usable and piece out clips in Freemake Converter to use in the last and final recording . All the pieces are assembled and edited by Freemake Video Converter to make a single video and the final cut. I think you knew that already .... but maybe someone else was wondering.  I know that I picked up what I know on this forum ... which is pretty informative.

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