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Only Installed England and English Airports, but have Oceania!


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I've been doing a careful reinstall on a new PC of all my flight sim stuff.  Having loaded ORBX England without any problems, I then set about loading Chichester, Compton Abbas, Popham, Shoreham and Southampton.


Now when I access FTX Central, I have an icon for Oceania and a Region Files Validation Report pops up listing many lines similar to:


Custom file does not exist.


etc. etc. etc.



I also note there is a folder "E:\FSX\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS" that contains populated Scenery and Textures folders.


What did I do wrong?  Where did the Oceania icon appear?  How do I fix it?


Also, I note that in FTX Central I only have PDFs and Control Panels for EGHA, EGHI, EGKA and FTX EU ENG.  Should I have more?





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The original installer for EGHI had this issue where it added a surplus region file. The current triple installer has this problem removed.


To fix the issue, go to the ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Regions and delete the australia.rgn file.


Also ensure that you have the latest Orbxlibs installed as well.

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Thanks both.  I was installing from my original download so I guess that caused the problem.  I followed your advice Ed, and that's solved it, thanks. 


What is the 'current triple installer' you refer to?  

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Ed, I'm just making sure I'm not being completely stupid here.  I can't see any reference to triple installer in my FSS account.  Obviously I can see the purchases I made and the options to download them.  Are you saying that I should download them again, or am I missing something here? 

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