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Where is FTX Central getting it's backup files?


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Since i have problems with layers, i discovered that FTX Central sets back prviously made backup of the scenery.cfg.


In orde to prevent that, what FTX Central files do i need to delete?


I ask this because my scenery.cfg is set back to a wrong one every time i run FTX Central.


Kind regards,


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Hi Nick,


I now asked 5 times to ORBX staff where to find the (backup) scenery.cfg file that FTX Central is using to set up the regions.


This file is changing my scenery.cfg to 274 area's while i have 330 area's (in one scenery.cfg) or 174 in a scenery.cfg that i have set up new in a try

what is the right order to make ORBX work. (i found the scenery priority order in this forum)


None of the staff is clearing that up and i wonder why. I think i can solve that problem when FTX Central will not put this old scenery.cfg back every time.


In C:\Program Data\Microsoft\FSX there are these files:


Map: Facilities

Map: Scenery Cache

Map: SceneryIndexes

File: ASElogfile.txt

File: ASElogfile1.txt

File: Scenery.cfg

File: Scenery.cfg_ORBX_Backup.cfg

File: Scenerystatus.bin


I hope you will not tell met it is the Scenery.cfg_ORBX_Backup.cfg, because i know that file is there.


I also hope you will not tell me that everything in that folder is how it should be.


Please tell me where FTX Central is getting the 274 scerey area's from with wich it is constantly installing and overwriting in my scenery.cfg with.


Sorry if i sound irritated, actually i am and i can not help it.


It is nothing personal. I am busy for a week now and still have no direction to go from ORBX and do not get answer on my question.


Kind regards,


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Hi Ben,


perhaps you didn't fully understand my response then but I already gave you those answers a while ago: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/82893-major-problems-please-help/?p=758545


All FTX Central does is load the current scenery.cfg file, located in C:\Program Data\Microsoft\FSX, assemble the block of all your installed FTX regions and airports from the scenerylib_{...}.cfg files in \ORBX\Scripts, and then insert that block into your scenery.cfg file. If you have a full complement of Orbx airports and regions the total size of the FTX block is about 130 entries that will be added to your scenery library menu.


If you don't have an insertion point set (see my previous response) then the block will be placed at the top of your scenery library menu; if you do have an insertion point set the block will be inserted at that location.


In short, if you have a specific order in your scenery library menu and want to retain that then you need to figure out where you want the FTX block to sit and place the insertion point accordingly. After doing so the order will remain the same.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,


I am sorry if in any way i miss interpretated your answers in the other tread.


I think i start to get it, can you help me check?


My scenery.cfg shows these lines below, where the lower is lower priority and the higher means the higher priority>


-FTX Airports (Through each other NA mixed up with EU and AU-NZ airports)

-FTX Regions (Europe, NA, Oceania etc)

-FSGlobal2010 entry's

-Addon scenery

-Propellor objects


If o.k. ......where do i put Europe OpenLC? and how is Open_LC behaving in respect to the insert point?




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Hi Ben,


the openLC entries should be below the FTX block of regions and airports meaning at lower display priority. They are not part of the FTX block meaning their position isn't influenced by your insertion point.


In short, in your case the basic order would be:


-- FTX block (airports and regions, automatically sorted and inserted by FTX Central)


-- openLC entries


-- FSGlobal or other terrain mesh files


-- Orbx Global Vector, if installed (inserts itself into proper position)


-- top of default entries: Propeller Objects or Edwards_AFB (for FSX Acelleration users) 



The positioning of "Addon scenery" is only important if one uses it as a "blanket" repository for third-party add-on files, which isn't recommended (meaning it's best to add separate scenery library entries for each separate add-on).



There's a guide for managing openLC entries here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/81831-setting-your-openlc-entries/


And, of course, the general information about the various Orbx products/layers: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/74348-the-definitive-guide-to-ftx-products-the-go-to-source-of-ftx-information/


Cheers, Holger 

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Hello Holger,


Clear to me.


I solved all problems for now, how?


1. I returned to a backup i made on the first of may 2014. Because of that i saw that FTX NA_NCA was not installed completely. I installed again and now i have the SF Golden Gate bridge so that works.


2. Because i returned to this backup i will build up the ORBX scenery i bought after that date. And that is a lot, so a lot of work to do but then i am sure to be good.


Thanks for the help from you all, your Dutch ORBX moderator (Wolter van der Spoel) just now even offered me to visit me at home to solve the problems. That's great guy's but i want to be clean in my setup, so better use my backup.


This topic can be closed as solved.


Kind regards,


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