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Global Vector will not install.

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G'day All,


I have just purchased and downloaded Global Vector in anticipation of a great night however all I got was frustration. The installer gets as far as "Preparing to install Checking file conditions" then just quits with no error and nothing happens.

I have global base installed, the latest library the latest .Net framework and the latest everything.


Please help FTX! Its a rather expensive product to not even be able to install.

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Quick Installation Guide
The Orbx FTX Global VECTOR uses the flightsimstore.com FSS security wrapper to validate your order number,
registration code and order date which then recognizes your legitimate purchase of the software and
unencrypts the installer files and proceeds with the installation.
1 Unzip the FlightSimStore.com (FSS) downloaded ZIP file. NOTE: You cannot run the install
from inside the ZIP file. Always extract it to a separate folder on your desktop before
running the installer executable.
2 Run the installer app. It should be named something like OrbxFTXGlobalVector110.exe
3 Fill in the Order Number, Date and Key when requested. This information would have been
emailed to you when you purchased the download of Vector from FSS. To ensure accuracy
you can copy and paste the data from your email received from FSS.
4 The wrapper will unwrap the Orbx installer, which will then run and present the opening
installation screen. Please acknowledge the EULA page and continue. You cannot choose a
destination folder, since all Orbx products are installed into the ORBX folder in the simulator
root folder
5 Once the file copy process is complete, the installer automatically adds in the Scenery Library
entries and you’re ready to fly.

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