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POSKY 777 VC Question


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Does anyone have one of the Project Open Sky 777 planes? I made a SAC version of it using the Cargo version they have and it works great on my computer but my friend, Creekdog cannot see the Autopilot gauges and the 2D Panel and such are all black. I have tried almost everything and he still cannot see the gauges. Any ideas?

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I understand but I spent about 15 man hours painting it and installing a great VC and he runs Windows 7 with FSX same as I, so I know it should work. Ill keep pluggin on it. Thanks.


Sounds as if DX9 would be worth a trial. Hope he does not have tried already...  :blink:

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We are all good now. The problem is that plane uses FS9 gauges and some people have to download the boeing.777.gau file and put in their "gauges" folder in FSX. That is what he just did and it worked. He now sees all the VC.

Hey Rip.......LMAO. Yeah we must be doing good to purchase a 320 million plane??? ???..................No we still run regular DX9 mode in FSX.

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