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Kununurra to Wyndham via Lake Argyle

John York

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When I took off, I didn't really know where I was going to end up.  My road map showed the lake but no airfield any where near but I guessed there may be one at Wyndham.  This really was one very enjoyable flight.  I hope I don't bore you with the pictures;

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Lake Argyle is enormous and very attractive

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Lake Argyle village is a little way from the northern edge of the lake.  I suppose the water will come up nearer the village during the rainy season?

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Passing back over Kununurra now on my way to Wyndham.  I promise I won't mention the two roads!

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Surely that's not Ayers Rock I can see? ???;)

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Now, by my reckoning, if I follow the road and the river NNW, I'll not be far out

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What a desolate place.  Beautiful though.

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This looks nice

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It is, yes, very pretty,  A real little gem.

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Hope you enjoyed them.


Thank you ImageShack.  Faultless for a change.

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Well, I've spent about three hours today looking for Lake Argyle Village and an airstrip and first of all John I can safely say that bit of FSX default scenery is no longer there thanks to SP2.

The sad thing is, the only man made things I discovered were some roads and tracks and interestingly, some pylons near the lake.  Not a sign of a settlement at all.


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Hi John

Last time I looked there was no village (before SP2). There is a generic FSX strip south of the lake on the bottom leftish corner - not terribly exciting at the moment but with the mine in 2.1 a whole new ball game :)


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Hi Alex

I didn't go south of the lake at all so that is why I didn't see the strip perhaps.  The village on my road map is supposed to be on or near the north west corner and the FSX one I saw covered quite an area some 5 miles maybe from north of the lake in a direct line to Kununurra.  It's shown as a light coloured patch in the 3rd one of my original shots.


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That is where it shows on my map. I don't think there is a LC for it at the moment. Isn't that patch in your pic a texture problem cured by SP2 - it looks like several that used to exist in the Red area. There is so much to investigate in this scenery, makes it interesting. I have the Horizon scenery for UK but haven't flown it in ages. I think I actually prefer the ORBX approach.


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Hi Alex

Yes, the patch has cured the texture problem.  I mistakenly thought it was the village I've been looking for.

I agree, Australia is very interesting, partly I think because it is so very unknown at the moment.  However, I divide my time for flying more or less equally between Horizon England and Wales (can't tear myself away from our beautiful Country for too long), the UTX/GEX combo for the USA and Canada and, of course FTX. 

Of all three, I prefer Horizon - I wouldn't, because by itself it has serious flaws, but since I have every addon known to man on it, the whole experience, for me, is more realistic.  I mean, I can even pick out and fly over my own home,  I can buzz Redline over in Tiverton whenever I want, and visit my golfing buddy from Arm Computers in Yorkshire for a game of golf when I like.

I know the other two both offer the opportunity to fly VFR because the roads are accurate but somehow, I feel the knowledge that the actual scenery, except for a few areas, is graphically created sort of takes the edge of it a bit.

Having said that, I enjoy it all very much, especially the forums and chatting to you lot, and now at my stage in life and not being so active it has given me a whole new hobby.  Especially as I've absolutely no ideas at all for a new novel, I don't paint any more because the walls are completely covered already and, for the time being, photography and golf is curtailed due to the weather!

Its a really hard life being retired you know! ;D

I'm rambling. All the best,


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Yes, well, that could be months.  In the meantime I've got to get on.  I reckon I'm just about half way round the circumference now but I've had to go cross-country a bit as the coast of the northern part of Western Australia is a bit short on landing strips once you get past Wyndham.  I'm not saying which way past 'cos with Australia being upside down I get confused as to which way is east or west! ::);D


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