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Now I'm really in trouble - I've healed up the Gulf of Mexico!

John York

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I can be such an idiot at times. :-[  I did a flight yesterday from Panama City to Tampa most of which should have been over the sea.  But instead, this is what I got;

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Now I readily admit its all my fault.  I set up REX and opened FSX before I realised I hadn't switched FTX off so instead of starting over again, I clicked on 'FTX mode' and switched it off.  It was only after I started the flight I realised that I was over land that should have been sea.

I've tried switching FTX on, loading FSX, then switching FTX off, then loading FSX again but it doesn't correct it.

Can you help please?


Thank you ImageShack

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Hi John,

are you using Ultimate Terrain USA? If so simply start the UTX user interface and it will re-insert the custom UTX terrain.cfg entries that somehow went AWOL. If you have other UT-X titles do the same for each of them; just starting the user interface and closing it again right away will do the trick.

Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger

Thanks for the prompt reply.  I tried that.  No luck.  However, I then went to the set-up tool in Flight 1 Software and ran that and that fixed it but I've now got to put back the updates - I've got all three UTX's, so that's my job for tomorrow.

I haven't had the opportunity yet to check to see if I've damaged my FTX installations.  I'll do that tomorrow too and let you know.

This'll teach me not to be so damned impatient.  I'll not want to go through this again in a hurry.  Its the anxiety it causes as well as anything else because with me if anything at all goes wrong I'm always afraid I'm going to lose the lot.  I had that experience some years ago when I went from wet processing to digital.  I scanned and put all my film negatives pictures on the computer, then a month or so after doing that, I lost the lot through a malfunction and then found that my back-up discs couldn't be read in the replacement!  I had to do it all over again and there were a lot of them.  I was furious I can tell you but it taught me a lesson.  You can't back up separately from the machine too much.

All the best.  I'll write again hopefully sometime tomorrow.


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Hi John,

actually, what I meant by "simply start the UTX user interface" was indeed the Ultimate Terrain setup tool in \Flight One Software\UTUsaFsx. Might have been a bit clearer if I had given the path right away. Anyway, looks like you've found it yourself.

Good point on backing up on independent media. Some of the tasks I'm doing are very dull and repetitive and it's a real downer if I find myself in the situation having to redo them.

Cheers, Holger

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I'm happy to say that FTX is running very happily. ;D

However, I've hit a snag with the Patches for UTX.  Europe and Canada were easy and they're working fine with their new up to date changes.  But, the USA ones are a different kettle of fish.  Would you believe it won't install with Vista 64x?  Something about Windows 86 and something else.  Funny thing is I've seen that mentioned in the Flight1 UTX forums somewhere but after spending an hour looking, I've given up and asked another question on their forum. 

You know, I do find that virtually everything about UTX and, come to that,  the GEX forums so complicated,  They hide things under some obscure headings that it becomes a matter of luck as to whether you find it or not.

For pity's sake you fellers, get cracking with the USA.


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