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PAGS too expensive


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Don`t you think,that PAGS is too expensive in comparision with KRDD?

I bought them both,but PAGS has a small area,very less buildings and there is nothing around.

There is nothing wrong with PAGS---it is what it is and it is nicely done.

My 2cents.


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If you want to sell a lot of airports you have to find the right price point.  KRDD was a superb deal, bought it in a second and I suspect the volume is high and the total $ will pay off.  But PAGS is too much relative to other products.  It's also not the price for the product it's the total expenditure on several addons that beats the bank.  I'm passing on PAGS at this time as well.  It's the MacDonald's hamburger principle, sell lots at lower price, volume will be higher, equal or more money is made in the end.

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They have to come up with a price tag that's okay for every airport. One airport will always look cheaper or more expensive than the other. But it's really impossible to ask a different price for every addon airport. What would you want to do? Count all the trees and ask a cent for every tree? ;) Look at the square miles the scenery takes up and ask a dollar for every square mile? Or let the developer take note of all the hours they spend on the airport and charge you for every hour? ;) It's impossible to put a different price tag on things like this!


Most (if not all) addons drop in price after a certain period, so if you can't afford an addon or think it's too expensive, wait until the price has dropped or simply don't buy it.

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 Or let the developer take note of all the hours they spend on the airport and charge you for every hour?

Nobody would buy it, if people think $32 is too much already. The Walmart greeter looks like a tycoon to me! :)

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If one subscribes to the philosophy of free market economies, and it seems most of the western world does nowadays, then it should become all too obvious what the correct price point is.

Like most things you see in a shop, the choice to buy or not is yours.
Entering a store and complaining about what things cost .... I'm not sure it looks any better online than it does in a physical store, but thanks for the input.

We are mindful of proper pricing structures, but we're not going to be getting into a discussion about it here.  Nonetheless, thanks for sharing your opinion.

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