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Pre-Sale ORBX Question

Matthew Symons

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I have been looking into ORBX products and I want to push my FSX to the limit and make it as realistic (visually) as possible. I have a monster of a PC so it should be able to handle anything.


What I am looking at buying is FS Global 2010 from PILOTS, FTX Global, FTX Global Vector and the later release of OpenLC.


What I want to know is, are the FTX Regions an improvement again on the above conbination? Or would the above combination be better than the FTX Regions.


Also, does the FTX regions replace the above combination in the area that it covers completely? If so, which is better for mesh, FS Global or the FTX Region?


Thanks for the help.



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Hi Matthew,


If you want the highest detail, regions are what you're looking for. Global/Vector/Mesh/OpenLC are great for covering the entire planet but if you're looking for smaller highly detailed areas regions offer the most. Within the regions coverage it will completely replace the global combination. Also regions usually include higher quality mesh, for North America it is typically between 10m and 20m mesh.


Also see this other topic from earlier today if you want some more info:







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If you want the highest detail, regions are what you're looking for. Global/Vector/Mesh/OpenLC are great for covering the entire planet but if you're looking for smaller highly detailed areas regions offer the most. Within the regions coverage it will completely replace the global combination. Also regions usually include higher quality mesh, for North America it is typically between 10m and 20m mesh.


Hi Alex


Thanks for the reply. If I had the above combination all installed (once it is all released) plus FTX Regions that are available for increased visual awesomeness... what impact would this have on the VAS? With all these addons, wouldn't it cause the Sim to get close to the dreaded Out Of Memory error?


Thanks again,



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FTX Global doesn't load much extra into the memory, the texture sizes are the same as default. There is more autogen than in default FSX so that is a factor. Vector takes some memory on top of that and so does mesh, landclass is pretty minimal in terms of memory usage. But so far I don't think I've heard too many cases of using Global + Vector creating too big a draw on memory resources and causing an OOM error.


If you're within a region, they draw large excludes and so only the region is loaded into the memory unless you fly close to, or outside of, the borders. So with the excludes drawn, having regions and Vector does not mean the same roads will be loaded twice but rather that the regions roads will be loaded as they are at a higher priority in the library. Same goes with ground textures and landclass, region will override all and the memory used will be almost the same as if you did not have Global/Vector/OpenLC at all. 

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