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Casual water and rectangles

John York

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Here's a picture taken just south of jubiru this morning;

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I suppose the casual water lying about is from the winter heavy rains and not yet burned off.  However, the edges look very sharp and unnatural.  Is this right?

Also, is there something I can do to prevent these rectangles which seem only to appear where there is this casual water please?

Apologies for the picture quality. 


Thank you ImageShack even if you did take an age to transmit the picture!

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Hi John,

the rectangles appear if your water effect slider is at Mid 1.x or High 1.x settings. Move it to either Low 2.x (or higher) or Low 1.x and they will go away. It's mentioned in the RED manual on page 5.

The sharp edges of the water polys are unfortunate but for now we're stuck with them. We've been experimenting with alternate approaches but they all have drawbacks of their own.

Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,

Thanks very much for your prompt reply.  To be honest, it's a relief.  I thought it might be more serious than that and the water perhaps should not be there at all.  Horizon had that problem with their VFR scenery when it was first issued when much of the Lake District here was under water - even the hills!  That needed a 'fix' which I remember took them a little while to achieve. 

I'll play with the water settings as you suggest.  At present, they're at Low 2X so there's room for a little manouvering either way.  It's strange isn't it that Microsofts 'Low' is higher than their 'High' in the water setting.  I wonder what brain thought of that one! ::);D

Many thanks again, and best wishes to you.


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Hi Holger & Wolter, (sounds like a variety act ;D)

Yep, that's done it thanks.  Strange thing was, when I looked at the setting it had changed from 2X to 1X.  Anyway, it's now on Mid 2X and doesn't seem to have done too much harm fps wise.

Posted Image

I like to fly in real time Wolter when I'm doing my round Australia flights and round America flights so that if I go to some of these places again it'll be different if you see what I mean?! ??? I've confused myself now! ::););D

All the best to you both and thanks again.


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