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R00026 / R00027 - Road traffic across runways in Madeira and Gibraltar


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With FTX Vector installed there are now roads crossing runways in Madeira and Gibraltar. In Madeira the road should go in a tunnel. In Gibraltar road really crosses the runway in real life, but of course the traffic is stopped for a plane landing or taking off.


This is quite a problem as it doesn't help to turn off the road traffic. There are still street lights that will cause a plane crash when flying at about 30-50 ft above the crossing road. Even when there are no cars. (I don't think that you even can collide with cars)


There seems to be quite a lot of anomalities in FTX Vector, horrible spikes, plateauing, ugly green borders for roads, unrealistic and ugly frozen lakes (They should be solid white not any blue in it. It's called snow. Believe me, I live in Finland). There seems to be a lot of work left for you devs. It's pretty much obvious that you have sold us a beta version and it's getting quite frustrating. At least it should have been pointed out before purchase. Now I have found myself doing beta testing for you - for free. And I am a paying customer. Just to mention...


Anyway I believe you have chosen the right path. The simming world needs correct data. We have suffered too long for all kind of inaccuracies. I really hope you will fix Vector to what it should be. I need it and I have paid for it.


Best regards,

Kati H



Madeira, LMPA, coordinates in the screenshot




Gibraltar, LXGB, coordinates in the screenshot




Plane crash due to light poles



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I haven't bought Vector as I don't want to purchase a mesh product too. Happy with default mesh. Also the roads look quite ugly and overwrite too much of the lovely Global textures and autogen.


However I think you are being a bit harsh saying this is a beta product. Were you expecting Orbx to check all 24,000 airports? Considering it takes around 20 seconds to load an airport how long do you think it would take? Also, how long to check every part of the world's land mass for any elevation anomalies or spikes?


The developers (Pilots) provide pretty good support from what I have seen on this forum and are working on fixing the issues reported. So cheer up :)

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I haven't bought Vector as I don't want to purchase a mesh product too. Happy with default mesh. Also the roads look quite ugly and overwrite too much of the lovely Global textures and autogen.


However I think you are being a bit harsh saying this is a beta product. Were you expecting Orbx to check all 24,000 airports? Considering it takes around 20 seconds to load an airport how long do you think it would take? Also, how long to check every part of the world's land mass for any elevation anomalies or spikes?


The developers (Pilots) provide pretty good support from what I have seen on this forum and are working on fixing the issues reported. So cheer up :)

If you're not intending to buy vector as you state because one reason is the (roads look quite ugly and overwrite too much of the lovely Global textures and autogen) then you dont have the right to comment on someone who has payed money for it and have good reason to vent or complain about many problems with it.

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If you're not intending to buy vector as you state because one reason is the (roads look quite ugly and overwrite too much of the lovely Global textures and autogen) then you dont have the right to comment on someone who has payed money for it and have good reason to vent or complain about many problems with it.

Lol that is the funniest comment I have read in a while. Congrats. The OP has the right to post his views and I have the right to respond whether I own the product or not. That's what a forum is.

I can understand his frustration but the devs look to be pro-actively fixing issue and that's a good thing - for him.

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Imho, In fact, the support forums are to receive and give relevant information. Any personal attack is totally inappropriate. Good education is the usual in the comments.

Help to request for guidance is welcome: but never any criticism should be made to the user's mode of proceeding or claim. In this case, the contract is between the user and the Orbx: Do not Meddle!



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However I think you are being a bit harsh saying this is a beta product. Were you expecting Orbx to check all 24,000 airports? Considering it takes around 20 seconds to load an airport how long do you think it would take? Also, how long to check every part of the world's land mass for any elevation anomalies or spikes?


Well, I don't expect that every 24000 airports are checked thoroughly by human eye. It is enough to find an issue once or twice. For example when a dev (let's call him Jack) finds a crossing road causing problems, he should start to think... mmm.. this may be a problem somewhere else too. Next step could be writing a code to analyze available data programatically. Then he don't need to load every airport to FSX. So simple! :)


Everyone has right to her opinions. And my opinion is that a program should be claimed as beta as long as it is purposely being developed based on user bug reports... If it sounds harsh saying that out loud, then it is. It just doesn't change the facts ;)


There are just too many anomalies that should have been caught and fixed before the release IMHO. I tolerate certain amount of bugs in a first release, but seeing so many reports in the forum and finding many by myself, I cannot help thinking that Vector does lack proper beta testing. And one thing I just cannot understand. How in earth Orbx/PILOT's guys didn't find those spikes anywhere? I found them with about 6th randomly picked up location.


But I can wait the issues to be fixed (not forever). I somewhat understand the pressure to release new software as early as possible. But to be honest I don't think this is making good for the reputation of Orbx nor Pilot's. Anyway I am still in positive mood and expect to have a keeper or even mandatory addon for FSX/P3D. I just generally hate the common trend to outsource the testing part of the development to paying customers. Should get paid for it at least!  >:(


Cheers.. and let's relax all :)


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Imho, In fact, the support forums are to receive and give relevant information. Any personal attack is totally inappropriate. Good education is the usual in the comments.

Help to request for guidance is welcome: but never any criticism should be made to the user's mode of proceeding or claim. In this case, the contract is between the user and the Orbx: Do not Meddle!



I agree with you Sinesio. There have been some unpleasant posts creeping into the forums lately. I hope it's not going to become a common occurrence.

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First of all: thanks for reporting these issues :).


Secondly, however, I have to make a few comments:


Roads crossing runways / airports

the world is not as easy as you try to state it. We have found some of these issues, but they're not all related to wrong VECTOR data - sometimes the default FSX airport is simply not on its correct position which is why roads cross them. Sometimes roads in real life are very close to runways and the default FSX airport doesn't have the correct runway length / position. Sometimes the airport has simply changed (runway not longer there any more in real life, but FSX default data has it) and is therefore not compatible with newer vector data. To find out what the problem is at a certain airport you simply have to check it. And there could be hundreds of other issues you'd have to check. With 24.000+ airports it's simply not possible to check all of them. In addition to that, the whole world consists of so much more than just airports :).


Ugly roads

We have released a free demo of Iceland that contains exactly the same types of road underlays. You can download the demo for a few weeks now and the roads where on many screenshots also - if you didn't like them (and they completely destroy your sim experience), why have you purchased VECTOR in the first place? Don't get me wrong here, I'm happy about every paying customer, but we didn't hide those roads until the release. I'm also very happy about every constructive feedback (what exactly would you like to have changed - saying it's "ugly" doesn't point in any direction!) and we will discuss it internally.



So far, three locations have been reported about spikes - western US, parts of South America and one single spike in Bremen. Of course, if you check 6 locations in a problematic area (such as the area around Denver) you will have those spikes. I agree that these shouldn't have been in the release version, but then again: every bug shouldn't be in a release version and if you asked me when we would have released VECTOR if we could guarantee that it was bug-free, my answer would be: never! The amount of data, area and possible problems is way too big to check everything. Some issues are related to special seasons in FSX only. Some issues are only related to certain day / night times. Some issues are related to a specific computer configuration. Some issues are related to other add-on software installed. Again, I understand your frustration and I actually even share it - I find myself very often (when switching from one support issue in western US to South India): "holy shit, how big can this planet be?". But be assured that I work as hard as I can on these issues.


Non-paying customers writing on this forum

Of course also non-paying customers are allowed to post here because from screenshots / videos / demos they can also bring some ideas into the project. The general rule is: don't get personal! Paying customers have a right to mention their issues and have them fixed where possible, but that doesn't take other's people rights to comment on them :).


Thanks for reading,


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In Madeira aerosoft scenery I had the same problem and I delete the CVX4320.bgl from the folder ORBX/FTX_Vector/scenery and now it's ok.


I hope help you!






PS- I have the same problem with the latinVFR Montego Bay but i don't now what the área jamaica bgl in the folder scenery?!

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