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Possibility of mixed size displays


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At present I have two 22" LCD's plugged into a single GTX280 (one in each socket) with good performance. Would there be any downside to replacing one of the 22" LCD's with a Samsung 30" or similar?  The rig is A Gigabyte EP45-DS3, E8600 standard 3.3, 4 gig 800 RAM, 750W PSU, one GTX280 whose max resolution is the same as the proposed 30" LCD  ;)

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You can run any size screens you want on a PC and place them anywhere you want to BUT when you run multi monitors on a Dual or Tripple Head unit it is my understanding that they should be the same format and physical size and resolution.

I know a fella who has 5 Monitors running from 3 separate Graphics cards and they are positioned as they would be in the Aircraft with Radio Panel Overhead panel etc.

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Thanks Mozz,

This particular setup won't have a TH2Go or 2H2Go, I will just plug the new 30" and a 22" straight into the GTX280, using the small display for the instruments etc., sounds as if it should work, and if it does I'll probably try out a Track IR.

My TH2Go setup on another rig has three identical monitors and runs well.  :D

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Hotspot, I have been running my 22" Acer widescreen LCD on one port of my GTX 260, with an older Viewsonic 19" LCD connected to the second port of the same video card without any problems. I've been doing this even with my older 8800 Ultra without any problems on either. I use the smaller monitor for panels, guages and such, and it works out vey well. It should work fine for you. Go for it! :)

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One of our Samsung 305T's has died - so do I bother trying to get it fixed through Samsung at all?

Samsung is a great company about replacing things, as my dad had one of their monitors and it died around 15 days after the warranty had ended - they still sent us a replacement model, probably a refurb... but still!

I suggest e-mailing them about the info on your 305T, since this was a year or two ago, and many things have changed since then...

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One of our Samsung 305T's has died - so do I bother trying to get it fixed through Samsung at all?

G'day all  ;D

John, a mate of mine bought a new, albeit, outgoing samsung 22" model six months ago, and right out of the box the Digital input did not work, the Analog input was fine, so technically the monitor was working (beautiful screen BTW). So, he called Samsung about it (three calls in all over two weeks) and they sent him - to his house - a new one, latest model too.

He's very happy with their service.

I think they have a three year warranty on their LCD monitors and TVs. Give them a call - or three  ::)


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One of our Samsung 305T's has died - so do I bother trying to get it fixed through Samsung at all?

Hi John,

Could you keep us posted how you get on with the warranty, as there's a possibility that three may eventually be hooked up on TH2Go, so it would be good to get the right brand first try.  ;)

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Your rig will run the larger screens no probs. I run a 32 inch wide sceen Benq and a 17 inch wide screen lg for instruments atc and maps with no hassles.

Thanks Krono - can't decide which brand to aim for - how does your Benq perform and is the measurement across or diagonal - what is FSX like on such a big screen, do you have to sit way back? The Samsung 305T is quite 'old' now as technology goes, so may not be the best to get if I wanted to add another couple when my numbers come up!!  ;)

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Hi sorry about the delay

The measurment is across the diagonal.

I sit at a standard size office desk so am aonly about 0.5 to 1 meter away from screen and the vision is superb  :-)

Nothing like spoiling yourself ;D

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I'm not exactly sure what "triple head to go is"., but I have been running two monitors of different size for the past year.

I have a 9800GX2 vid card with two sockets, and a 22" and a 19" monitor connected. I've had no trouble and both work effortlessly. However if you spread FSX over both screens you get distortions due to monitor configuration differences.

I run fsx on the 22" wide screen and usualy have about six or seven ancillarys running on the other. On longer flights I even read the forums or the newspaper on the second monitor.

What some may say is a disadvantage, is that you have to run fsx in windowed mode. This makes no difference to the quality of the picture and I prefer to have the task bars showing anyway

One annoyance though. Sometimes if I accidently hit the right mouse button while fsx is running it causes a lockup of fsx. This is an old age problem and can't be cured.

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I'm not exactly sure what "triple head to go is"., but I have been running two monitors of different size for the past year.

G'day Jack,

Thanks for your comprehensive info - one of my systems runs a triple head to go which simply spreads the full screen sim picture across three same model monitors, giving a rather large and panoramic view - real magic, but it can be used in windowed mode on any one screen with peripherals on one or two of the others.

The other system is the one which will have a large and small screen to be used in the fashion you described. Your comment about FSX freezing caught my attention, as I can't get FS9 to stop freezing in windows mode when I try to change views on either my multi monitor or single monitor setup, both running Vista 64 OS's (subject of another post).

At least our sims keep us off the street  ;)

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