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Coffs Surrounds


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Guest Aussieman

Is that the JF/Aeroplane Heaven Tiger Moth??

If so why not use the original Coffs based Moth .... VH-BAV. Even Warwick Carter's TM has quite a few VH paints.



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Dammit Paul, why do you do this to me  :D

I am trying desperately not to spend money and here you are putting up pics firstly of that beautiful Moth and secondly the glorious Coffs...

Seriously though, those are fantastic pics, cheers and thanks for posting,

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Great shots Paul .

Coffs Harbour is a "must have" , for anyone who knows the area , and for those who don't .

The realism is extraordinary .

I can even sight the High School I attended , just below Beacon Lookout and the Pier Hotel next door .

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