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Smoke and Mirrors - disappearing programs???


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Installed three new aircraft (Carenado Mooney and C182, Icarus Gloster Gladiator) and played around with them for a couple of weeks - then to my surprise they disappeared from my computer - that is vanished without trace - no record in any obscure nook or cranny of them ever having been there - and no amount of file searching over three or four days of spare time could resolve what had become of them  ???::)???  Then to add insult to injury I realised that REX (installed about the same time and also played with) had also sunk without trace!!! The system in question is a Gig EP45-DS3, E8600 unclocked, GTX280, 4gig RAM.

Has anyone ever heard of such an event, or is there a rational explanation?

While still scratching my head, I decided to reinstall only the Mooney and C182 this morning, and by coincidence (perhaps) FSX ctd'd when they were selected indicating a 'Display Driver' problem, so I wound back my drivers to an earlier edition, reinstalled the Mooney and C182, and all is running well again - fingers crossed.

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Well it's disappearing Aircraft rather than programs I think BUT it sounds like there is something actually malicious on your PC either corrupting areas of the MBR or deleting randomly bits and bobs. 

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"#1 Turn the computer on, #2 Open the case #3 Spray some holy water inside #4 The demon should come out disguised as a puff of smoke.."

Rule 1 with electronics.. NEVER let the smoke out.. they go to a lot of trouble to put it in.. let it out... and it's gone for ever..  :D Teecee.

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I'd seriously advice you to get a decent AV proggy like ESET NOD32, nothing against AVG free version for common house and garden use, but it's know that it can be a wee bit to rigid and screws up on various fronts.

Yes, Wolter, thanks for the tip - your comment confirms what I had been gradually coming to realise from things I'd read around the traps - time to get serious about viruses!!  :)

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I have used NOD32 from ESET for years and thoroughly recommend it.

I also NEVER rely on one AV but run A2 Free and Trend Micro House call and other's at regular intervals. the reason for this is a bug can be masked from one popular AV proggy but seldom all of them, I NEVER use the default paths for ANY software either nor the regular Common files and other system critical areas of Windows.

The more different from the normal system your setup is the more likely you AV of choice will catch and stop nasties,

Oh NEVER EVER download directly to your desktop NEVER.!! Always download to a separate HD for Downloads ONLY as if there is a bug it will generally reveal it's presence when trying to replicate from that drive

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I have used NOD32 from ESET for years and thoroughly recommend it.

Thanks Mozz, I've installed NOD32 on my lappy and NOD64 on two other computers - and your other tips have been saved in a Notebook file to be digested and acted upon as a matter of course - very good precautions.

BTW the only strange thing that is happening on the computer in question is that when I close FSX after a perfectly normal flying session, there pops up a 'Fatal Error' box which, if not stopped from searching for the cause (which it never finds), reopens FSX again. The next move for me is to delete the cfg file for a rebuild and see if the fatal error sign stops occurring - it's about the only thing I can think of - or possibly an FSX repair.

It's not a hardware problem as the computer did a six hour 'HotCPU' test yesterday without crashing and returned an average use of the two cores over that period of 100%. As you can see I'm floundering around a bit, but trying to approach things in some sort of logical elimination trial. Thanks again for your most valued advice.  ;)

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