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Re-Install Global over top?


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Can I re-install FTX Global 1.1 over an existing installation?
Seems I somehow hosed my Global textures, most notbly in the desert and forest.  What I am seeing appears to be much like default.  I do not believe it is a landclass file issue - have tried various ones I have and they do not change the underlying problem  I tried choosing OCEANIA / NORTH AMERICA / GLOBAL in FTXCentral, no change in non-ORBX areas.  Not running DX10, just FSX Gold / SP2.  Seems to only affected some areas like desert and low forest, while farm land, etc seems ok.
Here is what I am seeing (little bit of farm land in front is not an issue - just the LC file in use):
Compare to the 8th picture in this thread:
Not sure what else to try.  Searched for "Re-Install", etc. but did not see anything relevant, forgive me if I missed a similar thread.


Thanks for any input / ideas / help.

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This is getting stranger and more frustrating.  I uninstalled Global, including replacing back my pre-existing textures.  Everything went back to "pre-global" status:



But, as soon as I re-install Global it goes right back to the original image in first post above.  I tried installing from my original 1.0, as well as a freshly downloaded 1.1, same results each time.


At a total loss - would appreciate any help / ideas.

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