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NZQN Runway lighting...... Why so weak?


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Hi guys,


This has been bothering for some time now.  Even more so now since there is better night lighting for Global/Regions......


I have really been enjoying flying at night time but get let down when I can not see the runway due to very weak runway lighting.  I find it extremely frustrating trying to line up for an approach!  Sometimes not even until threshold.  The only guide is the PAPI lights and fingers crossed.


I would like to know if one can intensify the runway lights for the FTX airport one has purchased?  Not all airports are like this but the ones that are weak, would be great to be able to rectify.


Here are some examples I did in NZ.


NZAA approach. 



Great definition!


NZNV approach.



Great definition!


NZQN approach.



Very poor definition!


Or am I the only one who has this issue???


Kind regards.





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Hi Tim,


Just edited your topic title to include the ICAO of the airport as this will assist with getting a reply from the developer, the airports you are comparing are default APX -vs- custom effect lights,


Not knowing exactly how NZQN was constructed its best to wait for Marty to drop in

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In regards to other FTX airports having the same issue, is it possible that FTX developers could follow a "standard" in regards to runway light intensity?  



Kind regards.



These concerns are also mine. Good question, let's wait to see what developers will do, right?



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Sorry for the slow reply, I have been away from the PC for some time.


NZQN, like YMML uses customized runway lights. The reason is that using a high resolution runway model blocks the default runway lights which are a hard coded FSX effect which is not available to developers.

The solution i used with YMML was a model system that simulates the shrinking effect that the default FSX runway lights do. The biggest benefit is that i can make highly accurate light configurations and actually mount them on the runway light models. FSX lights float above the runway and have very limited configurations.

The downside is that its difficult to get the same level of intensity from a distance. I tweaked the YMML light model for QN to try to get more illumination out of them, but its a lot harder than it looks.

I can use default lights but that basically results in the high resolution runway being removed and the boring default type runway being there instead.


The ultimate disclaimer, from a purest real world point of view NZQN is a day light operation airfield. Its illegal to takeoff 30min before sunset and land after sunset ;)


While i cant speak for other developers, I use the AIP charts to make might lighting systems, and aim for the published intensity, While we share ideas and models, we are largely independent while we develop. We let the Beta testers challenge or ideas. 


When i get a chance to work on a patch i will try to improve them, but i am not planning to compromise the high res runway model, particularly as the reason for runway lights at QN is to provide greater operational flexibility in low visibility daylight operations, rather then night operations. When i did my photo recce, they only time the lights came on was when it was low cloud and raining at 2pm.

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Hi, No news please? Thank you.


Greg, since your issue is has nothing to do with the OP I would suggest to open a new topic rather than hijacking another topic. I'm sure youl'll have more success getting an answer then.

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