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Flight Plan - CN BIN GLB CB AY (Camden to Albury)


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Hi Guys,

With some assistance from the support forum for Citation Mustang, I am now able to program the FMC in the Mustang and use the Autopilot to fly the flight plan.

Here are some shots from the flight ...

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I just love this small jet.

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Climbing out of Camden on route to Bindok.

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Some of the scenery over the Great Divide.

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Here you see the first leg selected, i.e., CN - BIN.

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Now the aircraft has passed Goulburn and the flight plan activates the third leg, i.e., GLB - CB

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More pleasant rural scenery.

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Approaching Canberra.

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Overflying the National Capital.

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Scenery around the Canberra area.

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Now on the final leg of the flight plan, i.e., CB - AY. Note also the time to arrival - 13mins 26secs, the distance to AY - 56.1nm on a heading of 235deg (Little hard to see due to reduction in resolution for uploading).

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Looking towards Lake Hume and Albury.

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The Great Divide around the Holbrook area.

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On approach into Albury.

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Touchdown Albury!

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Hi Guys,

With some assistance from the support forum for Citation Mustang, I am now able to program the FMC in the Mustang and use the Autopilot to fly the flight plan.

Here are some shots from the flight ...

Comprehensive and excellent set of shots! Thanks for sharing those.


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