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EU Scotland patch


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I have installed the patch and updated Libraries to version 130927,  being the latest,  and now get this message when I try to move to one of your airfields,  in this case Strathallan. 




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The same message is actually being displayed at many of your airfields.  I can advise that the same situation arises when I return to using the Libraries version included with the patch.  With a previous version of your Libraries installed I had no such problems anywhere in Scotland. 



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Though not with Scotland, I wonder if the problem I have run into is related.


I have been running clean with the regions listed below for some time. A few days ago I installed the free Australian airfields and things still ran clean. Then I installed library update 130909 and started getting missing object alerts in all regions. I have now tried the latest 130927 update and still get alerts in all regions.


Can anyone throw any light on this? Could there be a problem with these September library updates?



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I'm getting similar messages at Glasgow.  The slightest movement anywhere either forward back or rotating axis brings up more of these.

I too updated the latest libraries after I had patched SCO.

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Very surprised by the lack of concern that your latest libraries do not appear to be providing all the objects being called.

I actually found on the initial install of EU Scotland ( my first and only Orbx product ), at the time of it's release, that there appeared to be three missing objects located in front of the main terminal at Dundee Airport, but decided to live with that.

However the problem I am seeing, with the latest libraries, is now evident at many Scottish airfields.


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Hi Ed


I can confirm that by setting the autogen slider to zero the alerts disappear.

This test is done with EU Scotland and your latest libraries installed and run with only the default FSX.  I only have EU Scotland from Orbx.

I should mention that with the original install of EU Scotland and the libraries that came with it,  this particular problem was not evident.

Also I do not get the problem with only FSX default running or with any other add-on scenery I might choose to run with it.



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Hi Ed


Will look forward to that.


Rather than confuse matters with the autogen issue I did not mention again the missing objects problem found at Dundee with the original EU Scotland install.

The alerts for these objects have not disappeared by reducing the autogen level to zero,  so I am guessing this is not related.

Three objects with the following Guid's are reported as 'not found':-







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  • 3 weeks later...


Having noted that the Iceland Demo includes pending new libraries, and noting Ed's post, I purchased the Scotland pack hoping to have no problems from missing object alerts once the new libraries were installed.

I have just been through a reinstall of all my region packs listed below using the method outlined in the FAQ section. FSX ran alert free after installing all regions, plus patches, but excluding Scotland Patch 01. At this stage libraries 130626 were installed. I installed the Scotland patch and found I had so many missing object alerts that the sim was unusable with the missing object alert line in FSX.cfg active. This with library 130909. The alerts disappeared with autogen set to minimum. All this is much as Iain and Graham posted above.

Installing Iceland Demo "OFF" version has moved the libraries to 131017, but has not removed the alerts, other than the Iceland Demo which runs alert free, and very fine it looks, too.

Is the updated library in the demo the intended fix for these alerts? Their presence raises concerns over what is not displaying, what effect there is on performance, as well as diminishing the usefulness of the FSX.cfg alert lines.

Would greatly appreciate any comments.



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I too have been patiently waiting for a new version of libraries to appear and have installed your Iceland Demo with accompanying libraries but sadly there is no improvement in the situation when flying in Scotland. As well as the problem with autogen not fully displaying we also still having missing objects at Dundee Airport as reported previously. Turning off autogen does not get rid of alerts in the case of the latter problem


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Hi Ed


I did a search of my FSX root folder and came up with 3:


Microsoft Flight Simulator X/ORBX/Scripts/Lights/OFF - file dated 19/10/2011


Microsoft Flight Simulator X/ORBX/Scripts/Lights/ON - file dated 23/10/2009


Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Scenery/GLobal/scenery - file dated 21/05/2013

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Hi Ed,

I have the same 3 instances as Graham, same locations, same dates. That in global/scenery folder is from May 2013 and 75k in size.

Just to clarify a point in my last post, the missing object alerts I see are not just confined to Scotland, but appear in all the Europe and Oceania regions I have purchased. Only the Iceland Demo runs alert free.


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Hi Ed,

I've done as you requested and have checked a number of urban and rural locations in Australia, NZ, England, Scotland and Wales. Other than a couple of alerts when loading Wellington NZ, which don't appear when flying, there's not an alert to be seen. I would say that's a quite a result. I'll keep the FSX.cfg alert lines active for a while, and look around some more, but things are looking good, here. Not a scientific measure, but I feel the sim is running more smoothly now, too.



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      I just recently bought Scotland & installed it along with the patch & reinstalled the library 130927. I then went to 3 different major airports in Scotland & did not get any of the "error " messages. The dates on the files in question are all dated. Oct 30 2013. I don't know if this is any help but I thought I would post my experience  with this.


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I now have the Iceland Demo installed to give me the latest libraries together with EU Scotland and have installed the replacement files supplied by Ed earlier today.

Whilst the problem which we were told was connected to autogen does appear to be fixed and thank you for that, I still have, as reported previously three missing objects on the main apron at Dundee Airport ( Guids were given ).

Hi Ron

If you have the necessary entry in place in your FSX.cfg file then visit Dundee Airport.

I should add that EU Scotland was my first Orbx scenery installed and I understand from contact with other customers who have earlier sceneries installed that the problem I have been highlighting is not apparent to them so it might not come up for you either.


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Hi Ed,


Reference Iain's comments on Dundee, on my current PC which has England, Wales and Scotland installed after installing Australia and New Zealand, I do not see the 3 alerts at Dundee.


I have installed England, Wales and Scotland, only, all fully patched, on a second "retired" PC and added the file you provided. Here, I see the three missing object alerts with the same GUIDs as Iain reports.



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Thanks again for the patch which has sorted out most of the missing items however I still get these three flagged as missing as Iain had earlier in this post:





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