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KBZN install errors.

Matt McGee

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I got the two decompression errors for fx_Orbx_YBUD_Beacon_Gr.fx and fx_Orbx_YBUD_Beacon_Wh.fx and clicked ignore for both.


However, I get a ModuleInstaller error at the end of the KBZN install.

"Your DLL.xml file appears to be corrupt.  ModuleInstaller cannot add the module to a corrupt XML file."


How can I fix it?


Last thing I installed was the free FTXG airports today.

Before that, NZQN a few days ago.  No problems with either install.

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Found this thread http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/65186-kbzn-error-message-dllxml-file-is-corrupt/ started a day after I started this one.

I checked out the link that TheMan_RJ posted and think that I've fixed my dll.xml file.  I don't know how to check it for sure, but it looks consistent and like the example.

I have an entry in my dll.xml for KBNZ now and it appears to run properly in the sim.  


Thanks Orbx for releasing an installer with a know error, but not providing any guidance on what to do about it.  You also released the airport a day before the CRM update which fixes it's elevation issues?


When I got the decompression errors during my first KBZN install attempt, I selected "re-try" which resulted in the error again.  I then clicked "Abort".  No threads were on the forum about it yet, so I re-downloaded the KBZN installer and tried again.  Got the error again, clicked ignore, the install continued, but then got the corrupt dll.xml error.  Did the KBZN installer corrupt it?

I then used a previously saved dll.xml and re-installed KYWS, 65S, NZQN, and KBZN.  KBZN still didn't like the dll.xml file.  The other three airports had no issue.

Eventually, I found a subsequent thread where TheMan_RJ posted a link on how to repair dll.xml errors.  I downloaded "Notepad++", examined my dll.xml, which looked OK, added a single CR LF to the last line and think it is fixed.  The re-installed airports also got a couple of my airport control panels messed up, which Ed helped me fix already. (Thanks again Ed!)  


Sure was painful getting KBZN installed and fixing the subsequent mess.  I'm a bit irritated by it all and the lack of comment/assistance.  (Not a single reply after 4 days.)

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Found this thread http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/65186-kbzn-error-message-dllxml-file-is-corrupt/ started a day after I started this one.

I checked out the link that TheMan_RJ posted and think that I've fixed my dll.xml file.  I don't know how to check it for sure, but it looks consistent and like the example.

I have an entry in my dll.xml for KBNZ now and it appears to run properly in the sim.  


Thanks Orbx for releasing an installer with a know error, but not providing any guidance on what to do about it.  You also released the airport a day before the CRM update which fixes it's elevation issues?


When I got the decompression errors during my first KBZN install attempt, I selected "re-try" which resulted in the error again.  I then clicked "Abort".  No threads were on the forum about it yet, so I re-downloaded the KBZN installer and tried again.  Got the error again, clicked ignore, the install continued, but then got the corrupt dll.xml error.  Did the KBZN installer corrupt it?

I then used a previously saved dll.xml and re-installed KYWS, 65S, NZQN, and KBZN.  KBZN still didn't like the dll.xml file.  The other three airports had no issue.

Eventually, I found a subsequent thread where TheMan_RJ posted a link on how to repair dll.xml errors.  I downloaded "Notepad++", examined my dll.xml, which looked OK, added a single CR LF to the last line and think it is fixed.  The re-installed airports also got a couple of my airport control panels messed up, which Ed helped me fix already. (Thanks again Ed!)  


Sure was painful getting KBZN installed and fixing the subsequent mess.  I'm a bit irritated by it all and the lack of comment/assistance.  (Not a single reply after 4 days.)


I had a similar issue and had a similar response from ORBX when I posted it here, i.e., none at all.


If it weren't for the post from TheMan_RJ, Id still be howling at the moon trying to sort it out.


I sincerely hope this isn't the new standard for customer support as this has NOT been my experience in the past.

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I've been away a few days for some r&r with my family, sorry to hear others didn't pick up on things :(

if for whatever reason you get decompression errors or other funny messages, then please go to the FSS site and download your files again,

as a rule of thumb,

make sure your fsX install is excluded from Anti Virus programs, they all act differently and some of them just delete files on god knows what criteria

make sure you have Administrator rights and always run the installer by right-click and install as Administrator

make sure that the User Account Control is disabled

make sure that you have enough free space left on your C drive for the un-wrapper to do it's thing, safe to say that 20 G's of free space is a minimum requirement

NEVER EVER try and run the installer from within the zip file, you are prone for faulty installs and other mishaps

for larger files use a download manager with resume option, in case the line get's screwed you can resume your download and do not need to start all over again

take your time, do not go on the click click click quick tour, you're prone to miss something and the guessing game starts as to what went wrong where

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Hi Wolter,

thank you for your suggestions! But this is not the first download from ORBX and these mails come from very experienced users.

As you can see from the many different topics all speeking about KBZN-decompression errors - also what we all tried to avoid these errors - I assume that there must be a bug in the download package.

Why not admit this and finally change the download to a correct version which will run on every user's FSX without errors?




(needless to say: I had these errors too)

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Welcome back Wolter :)


Thank you for your reply.  I'm pretty sure that I have been following all your listed suggestions with my Orbx installs.

I had already re-downloaded, checked the forum, and re-installed before I started this topic.


Today I downloaded KBZN (third time) to my Download folder, unzipped the file into a new folder within my download folder, and ran the installer from there.

I again got both decompression errors.  I clicked ignore to both and the install continued, successfully I believe.

Since I no longer receive the dll.xml error and KBZN appears to be working and the decompression errors are now addressed in a separate topic, you can mark this topic as resolved.


However, there is STILL an issue with the KBZN installer.  I am happy that you do not have an issue, but clearly some people do.

This post, http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/65113-kbzn-decompression-error-2026-2-fx-files/?hl=kbzn seems to make it clear that the decompression issue was known before the installer was released.  Yet there was no mention of the possible error, or about the solution of clicking Ignore, included in the readme. 

The current solution to just click Ignore is simple, if you know to do it. 

Unfortunately, I bought KBZN before the directions to click Ignore where available on the forum.  I clicked Abort when the errors popped up, which may have caused my dll problem during my second install attempt.

An installer without know issues, or at least a heads up in the Read Me, would have saved me (and others) a bunch of headache and saved you (and other Orbx developers) having to deal with posts about the errors caused.




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Hi Matt,

from what I have seen so far is that the files that have a probable decompression issue are some files from the ORBXLIBS that are included with the installer, when there is no noticeable issue after the install it's OK, in case off run that latest LIBRARY files and those files will be installed

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Hi Matt,

from what I have seen so far is that the files that have a probable decompression issue are some files from the ORBXLIBS that are included with the installer, when there is no noticeable issue after the install it's OK, in case off run that latest LIBRARY files and those files will be installed

Thanks again Wolter.


I always install the latest ORBXLIS after I install anything.  Even if the product says it includes the current ORBXLIB, I still run the current one again. :)

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I had the same issue as Matt.  So I assumed there was a problem with the download, and I downloaded a second time.  Same result.  In each case I simply hit ignore and it seemed to continue on normally.


Have not started it up to test it yet, but will do that next.


Certainly I agree with Matt.  Not harm no foul, but probably you would agree that i looks unprofessional and very un-ORBX-like.  Sorry, not intending to pile on here, I think Matt is spot on.... probably a fresh version of the installer would restore that shiny new ORBX product look and feel (that many of us are getting hooked on)... : ) 

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