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NZQN Does not have a control panel

Martin Henare

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Hi everyone, just to save further confusion. NZQN does not use a control panel like other scenery, so you won't see one in FTX Central.

The initial intention for the control panels was to allow people with lower spec systems to be able to reduce the load on their systems.

For this scenery I found there was little benefit of a control panel.

So just install, set your region and fly

Sorry for any confusion, hope you enjoy the Scenery.

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if you disable ground shadows and that sort of half baked fsX attributes you'll get a better performance, at my end during testing I had no fps issues, locked rock solid on 30 fps all over the place, and yes see my added my test settings

all sliders maxed out with following exceptions:



Mesh res.: 5m

Texture res.: 7cm

Water High 2.x

AI 50%

GA Traffic 100%

Road Vehicles 16%

Ships 20%

Graphics set via nVidia Inspector

FPS 30 limited in fsX



nVidia 326.80 Beta drivers

REX Essentials+OD

tweaked Shade

tweaked enb

FTX Lights set to Night

Real Weather

my system specs are in my sig

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I am getting great performance in NZQN (except for the re-draw issue mentioned on another thread, but that is not a huge deal), but I would still appreciate a control panel to disable the static aircraft. I use a huge custom AI setup and, as nice as your static models are, would really appreciate a control panel option to disable it. I know that one might be able to disable it manually, but this would also necessitate messing with the AFD file to make those static spots available.


Do you think you could look at this option in a future update? It would make the AI crowd quite happy.



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The APX takes into account the spots used by the statics, and our AI package is tuned to work with the APX. They are made by the same guy. So the only way to disable then statics and use their parking spots would be to modify the APX also.

As Queenstown is not a very AI friendly place we have spent a great deal of time to get it to work as it is. To be honest we'd be reluctant to make any changes. So for your purposes the best solution is to manually disable the statics and adjust the APX as you wish. he file names for the Static aircraft are pretty obvious in the file structure. Changes are done at your own risk

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to get some response about runway textures ..blurred and disappearing when using NZQN  yet no problem when scenery is deactivated

Using ORBX South Island and North Island


Can anyone advise how to remedy this problem...



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  • 2 weeks later...


Changes are done at your own risk


Yeah, that is what I was hoping to avoid by including a control panel option. So I guess I am SOL, so maybe you can confirm the file to disable.


So, should I change "NZQN_Aircraft_PLC.bgl" to "NZQN_Aircraft_PLC.OFF". This is all the statics, correct?


Then, I can modify the APX file "FTX_NZQN_APX.BGL" with ADEX? All I would like to do is add the parking spots that are currently taken up by the Statics. This should not mess with any of the approach code built into the file hopefully. You guys use ADEX to make the file? I don't want to open it with the wrong software and remove something inadvertently.


I hope future airports will include control panels for such things, or at least a master control panel in FTX central to disable statics and use an alternate APX with all parking spots available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"As Queenstown is not a very AI friendly place..." LOL You got that right! It's not a real sim pilot friendly place either! Have you taken a look at the departure procedures and approach plates??!! One of the most challenging airports I have ever flown into & out of (simulated). And I'm using the default ORBX NZ SI scenery!

Good stuff!

Regards, Hangar 200

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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