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Global install problems


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First of all---I have loaded several of your discs with no problem.  With SAK I had elevation problems with one airport(Wolf Lake)and never did get it resolved.  No problem, I just don't go there.


Now for Global---I followed the instructions to the best of my abilities(no comments please) and I shut down my anti-virus and run it as admin.  When I got to the point of it loading up a window came up and said it needed information which I needed to load another disc???? Only have one disc. Then a window show up with an address(user\app\roaming\with several numbers and letters ending with FTXGlobal. 100.3?  Searched for this with no avail. Its now midnight and I am getting frustrated, but decided to open FTX Central.  Nothing new there and am still in default.


Just when I was going to shut down two informed people came on TS. So we went thought the install process again, coming up with all the same problems.  Its now 1:00am and I have had it.  But I opened FTX Central again and I now have two Global icons showing. So I click on apply to add.  Now I am told I should have three check boxes to check.  I only have one relating to Orbx trees!!!  So I decided to check out the scenery and my default  was changed and looked very good.  But I have elevation problems with a least one airport.


How do I fix my problems??  Oh, I did make a backup of the default scenery.


Sorry this was to lengthy, but it did help with the frustration!



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Hi Jerry :)


Quite a story there, shall we try and resolve your issues by working together on this ;)


I can relate to the fact that you are a wee bit wound up, I would be the same, although there are a few things that we need to clarify to get it all sorted and working again as it should.


so let's start from scratch here, you have installed :


129613 ORB-060 Orbx - FTX: NA Gold USA Central Rocky Mountains
129613 ORB-057 Orbx - FTX: NA Blue USA/Canada Northern Rocky Mountains
158371 ORB-068 Orbx - FTX: NA PAKT Ketchikan International Airport
158371 ORB-067 Orbx - FTX: NZ South Island
182693 ORB-709 Orbx - FTX: NA OG39 Long View Ranch
206675 ORB-722 Orbx - FTX: NA Blue Southern Alaska
223482 ORB-727 Orbx - FTX: Global
223856 ORB-069 Orbx - FTX: NA W52 Goheen Airport



as it looks you installed W52 Goheen after you installed FTX Global, am I correct so far ?


the remedy for that is to set FTX Central to global untick the 3 selection boxes and hit Apply, download the latest orbxlibs from the support page and re-install those, and please use the full version not the core version.


as for the elevation problems you mention, please could you be so kind and add a screenie of what you are seeing at FU7 - Wolf Lake ?


I've just been there and can't see anything wrong with it other than that it is a "naked" grass strip


post-152-0-34410100-1376680860_thumb.jpg  post-152-0-28371400-1376680905_thumb.jpg  post-152-0-93880700-1376680926_thumb.jpg


let us know how you fare

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as it looks you installed W52 Goheen after you installed FTX Global, am I correct so far ?
No, I installed W52 earlier and then OrbxLibs ver. 130623, and yesterday I installed Global.
the remedy for that is to set FTX Central to global untick the 3 selection boxes and hit Apply, download the latest orbxlibs from the support page and re-install those, and please use the full version not the core version.
When I open FTX Global I only have one box to untick.(trees)
as for the elevation problems you mention, please could you be so kind and add a screenie of what you are seeing at FU7 - Wolf Lake ?
It is Wolf Lake in the Palmer area.(4AK5)  This is what I saw when I first installed in June. I thought I was having a "first encounter of some sort." It turned out to be the rotating beacon floating around.  The runway was under the hangers.  I did something and got the beacon and runway back in position, but the runway was elevated.
After installing Global, below is how it looks now.

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Hi Jerry,

me again :)

as said sorry if I had the location wrong, I'm not very familiar with that part of the world, but I've found it :)

I've made two screenshots from roughly the same location as you took your screenies, and this is what I get

4AK6 - Wolf Lake - FTX SAK


4AK6 - Wolf Lake - FTX Global


and yes there are differences, as some compromises had to be made for the implementation of FTXG*, but they don't come even near as what your screenshots are showing, so you either have an addon that affects the airport layout as it is clearly visible that there are two files juggling for the same field and you have another addon that is interfering with FTXG, like UTX or similar.


so in resume, check for files with 4AK6 in their name, all files that do not have FTX in their name tag are not ours and could cause issues, like Ultimate Traffic or similar programs

as for the elevation issue, go to your => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery folder and look for files with this name ADE_FTX_SAK_4AK6_elevation_adjustment the extension, when active should be .bgl if you encounter the same file with a .off extension as well delete that. that should cure the elevation issue.


in case you have UTX installed there please apply the following:

if you own any of the Ultimate Terrain X add-ons you need to run their Setup tools, in the respective \Flight One Software\UT... folders, to have their custom terrain.cfg entries re-inserted. Simply starting each UTSetup.exe in turn (if you have more than one of their products) and then shutting them down again once the initial check-up messages have completed, will do the trick.


Cheers, Holger

I hope this will help for the solution of your "issue"

@ Rick,

please run the latest Library files again to reset your FTX Central to the latest version, they are availabble here => http://fullterrain.com/support.html

and for the next time please do not piggieback on other posts as your issue is not related to the OP, so please create your own thread for future support issues, thankx

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"and for the next time please do not piggieback on other posts as your issue is not related to the OP, so please create your own thread for future support issues, thankx "


Normally, I would not think too much about the above statement, but as you will find out --- I am not in a good mood!

I am on the payware support site, right?  I clicked on "start a new topic."  And I began typing my problem.  What are you talking about "piggiebacking???


NOW---I followed your instructions to the tee and made progress. All negative.  I ended up with no water and roads missing. So, I did it again with the help of a knowledgeable friend. Same result.


So, I decided to uninstall the program and start again.  The manual states if you save FSX default  you can un-install. Where is the un-install tool? I suppose it is possible if you know where to find all the files???


I tried to overwrite with a new install.  When I got 3/4 installed the program stopped and said "it needed information, insert disc number 3."  What the hell is that all about?  That same thing happened the first time I tried to install.


A lot of us do not know all the ins and outs of computers and I feel that either something is wrong with the disc or you are sending out discs that are not up to date with  the most recent information.  I know several people that have dl"ed direct from your site and the program works fine for them.


This morning a friend sent me a PM with the address from your site with a deactivation tool for UTX Alaska.  I used it and it put the elevation correct at 4AK6, but there is grass on some of the runway. I did get the roads and water back. PAAQ Palmer Mun is still elevated.  4s2 at Hood River, Or. is elevated.  


I did appreciate the senior discount I received on this product, but it has pretty much dissolved since I have spent the entire weekend trying to resolve this issue. Would not you agree---If a customer buys a product he should be able to install, run it and have fun with it.  Instead of having to try and solve issues that  should have been corrected before shipping?  Chalk up one week end shot in the ___!


As you can tell, I am frustrated, but I do feel somewhat better now. :blink: 



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Order #FSS0223482 (Completed)  (2013-07-27)


Sorry if I was a little hot under the collar on my last post!  Sorry. :-[


I was finally able to  dl Global from your site after 3 tries. Now, since I have already tried to install from my disc and backed up and deleted the default scenery, I am wondering if I need to reinstall the default scenery and click on it before I try to install the extracted files which I put in a separate folder in my C drive? Or can I just overwrite what is already installed?




* I should add:  I have Windows 7 w/Acceleration. Since I started having problems I have un-installed UTX AK, Canada, and the USA.  I would like to add them back in at some point. I have the latest up dates for them and the latest OrbxLib.

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Hi Jerry,


no worries :)


to restore your fsX, 


set FTX Central to default/Global, untick the 3 selection boxes and hit Apply, close FTX Central

no need to worry about the other FTX sceneries as they will be re-activated when FTXG* is re-installed.

if you have the Acceleration disc run that and select repair, that will bring back all the "default" textures and stuff

do a check ride and see that all is working.


re-install FTX Global and follow the instructions, when asking to create a backup folder, you can place that where you want it to go,

I'd advice to create a folder before runnng the FTXG* installer and just point it to that when prompted for the backup folder


when all done then select FTX Central and tick the boxes you waant applied and hit Apply close FTX Central and fire up fsX


when you want to install older FTX titles after you have installed FTXGlobal then please do not forget to get all patches and updates and run the latest library last


That should about do it 

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to restore your fsX, 


set FTX Central to default/Global, untick the 3 selection boxes and hit Apply, close FTX Central

no need to worry about the other FTX sceneries as they will be re-activated when FTXG* is re-installed.

if you have the Acceleration disc run that and select repair, that will bring back all the "default" textures and stuff

do a check ride and see that all is working.


I am doing this in steps so as not to get ahead of myself.


OK, I did the above.  When I opened FTX Central I only had Global,(no default)so I clicked on Global and unticked the 3 boxes. Closed Global, Ran Accel., then opened flight sim and the elevations were off and trees where they should not be. Before I go to the next step and install Global, is this what you expected to be the results of doing the above?

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I have a few more questions before I go further---


After running Acceleration repair should I have a default icon back in the FTX Central? I do not have it.


After I did the first step mentioned in my last post, no matter which icon I selected in FTX Central my hard surface runways from Alaska to Minnesota to New Zealand were all displayed as partial or only grass on the ground. At approx. 800' AGL the runways all would reappear. 


Should I continue to install Global or does another step need to be done before?

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I decided to go ahead with the instructions given in the above post.  After going through that process I started the install from my DL from your site. Part way through the install I got the following message.(the same I got doing the DL from the disc) Not knowing what to do, I opened the disc tray, closed it and tried again.




Below is the message I got after the 2nd try.




So, then I went back to the un-zipped file I had saved in the C: drive and ran it again.




That seemed to do the trick. Message below informed me a complete install.




I went to FTX Central, choose Global and ticked the 3 boxes and crossed my fingers. I then installed the latest Lib.(130820)




Opened FltSim.  Wolf Lake(4AK6)below. Elevation ok, but some grass on runway.





Below is KMKT in Minnesota. As I stated above, the runways and taxiways appear at approx. 800' AGL.(at all airfields)  Had this problem before this last attempt to install.  Do I need to run the deactivate tool again?  I hope this will steer you to an answer for me.  I have a stump in my back yard that I use to cut firewood.  My stump, axe and that Global disc are about to get acquainted >:D .



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I get the feeling that I am getting the o7qI6.jpg , no matter.  Some members of another site have been following this post and 2 North Carolinian's, using their "hillbilly" ;D ingenuity,  suggested that I try something.  Eleven clicks of the mouse button and 15 minutes  later all my problems were fixed!!!


Now please don't take offense of this post.  I have always been impressed with the products developed at Orbx. After reading several of your threads I do believe that criticism is not to well received here.  Just my feelings.


Have a good day,


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Eleven clicks of the mouse button and 15 minutes  later all my problems were fixed!!!

FTX Gloabal is a very complex matter.

Might be interesting for the readers to know  how you resolved this problem.

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