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Wake problem


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I recently had a problem with ship's (the larger ones) wake's going straight up. Found the fix and adjusted the effects in wake-coastguard.. I am now seeing the same thing but from all the tiny speedboats and yatch's and I have no clue as to which of the all wake effects cover these little bu**ers. Can anyone point me in the right direction please. Teecee.

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Wolter.. yes, I was having texture probs, so I ran ALL the NA installations again, and all the patches.. including the latest libraries..

Brad.. been running DX10 for ages so I can't see it being that.. if all else fails I will roll DX back.

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I think perhaps I have not made my post clear as to what I am looking for.. My question is "which of the FX_wake_*** files in the Effects folder covers the small speedboats etc". I have wakes going straight up.. and I fixed the coastguard ones as per the Misty Moorings fix, but I have no clue as to which one to fix for the small boats. Teecee.

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The above solution works. I just corrected it on my computer _ I D/l the 75 ships AI package by the very responsive/talented Henrik Neilsen, and installed it. (Prior to installing it) write over the sim.cfg file's last line to include a known working wake: for example: wake = fx_wake_carrier - I know have fixed this problem and it's great to see the ships in the shipping lanes.


As an aside I fixed a AI issue with BC Regional AI for Vancouver Island.... smiling now...

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I also am suffering from the same problem with wakes and have tried various things to fix it but to no avail, I even tried the fix that you folk have mentioned with the fx wake file but that didn't work either, I have included some screenshots to show what my situation is and you can clearly see the wake going vertical behind the boat, any thoughts on how to fix this would be appreciated.













John MD

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John what I did was to go into every AI ship that I had and removed the last line of the sim.cfg in Sim Objects/Boat and replace all the big ships so it looks like the following:

ui_manufacturer=Henrik Aa Nielsen

ui_manufacturer=Henrik Aa Nielsen


static_pitch=0.0                //degrees, pitch when at rest on the ground (+=Up, -=Dn)
static_cg_height=1.5             //feet, altitude of CG when at rest on the ground 0,7

max_speed_mph = 25     
acceleration_constants = 0.5, 0.4               //Time constant (effects responsiveness), and max acceleration (Gs)
deceleration_constants = 2.0, 0.5               //Time constant (effects responsiveness), and max acceleration (Gs)
SternPosition = 50

wake = fx_wake_carrier <--------- This is what I replaced the original with. For a smaller ship try wake = fx_wake_ss

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Greg, Just to update, I finally got rid of the crazy wake effects by getting rid of all the non default fx wake files in my FSX effects folder, and then replacing them with the original FSX default ones which I had kept from the beginning and now I have no more problems that I can see, I am now a very happy camper, much appreciated for your help, I will keep a copy of your suggestion in case it reappears again, I suspect it occurred when I added some AI Boat files awhile ago.




John MD

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Sorry to ask this, but is it possible that the common denomenator here is Misty Moorings? The reason I ask is that files from there are about the only new files I have in recent weeks, and  I tend to DL anything they put out, also this whole wake thing is relatively new for me. Teecee.

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Not sure if there are people still having this problem, but if so I finally fixed it in my Prepar3d. I did as advised by Misty moorings.. by adding these forward slashes //TempK=109.00
//TempRate=0.01 wherever TempRate showed up in both fs_wake_ss and fs_wake_coastguard.. worked for me, so you may like to give it a try.

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