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Shore Line wave animation


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I am just wondering if it would be at all possible to improve the shoreline wave animation. I have none!!! I used to have a little but for some reason its all gone now. I have all five ORBX terrain sets for the USA plus random airports. I have Southern New Zealand and the Sound airport. I also have England I am soon to buy Scotland and Wales. I am also using REX updated to HD Overdrive. Terrain sets, ORBX,  weather REX, all look beautiful, system works fine, no crashing no problem at all,  med to high FPS low 30's high 20's but with all the ORBX and REX that my system is loading that is very good. My system is a I7 2700K with 16 gig memory. I use a 570 GTX. System runs beautifully BUT!!!!!!!! I have no SHORELINE WAVE ANIMATION at all. Looks pretty weird running low over a beach and everything is motionless. My people flow, birds sounds chain saws, or what ever in ORBX works wonderfully,  I am also updated on all my patches and library files in ORBX. The same for REX all updated. I have the latest DX updates as well. I have the latest graphics drivers as well. I am using windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I used to have shoreline wave animation? VERY LITTLE  but at least it was there!!  It used to POP UP every so now and then. Not anymore, its all gone and like I say it kind of weird flying low over beaches or shoreline and not seeing any wave animation. Can anyone help me here? give me some advise on what to do to get it back and or maybe improve on what was default in FSX.  Thanks Toto  ^-^  

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