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Timing is everything


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Good pickup Dave. Can't wait to find out exactly the situation. The pilot we were with was pretty aggressive in his turns, good fun. He certainly liked the sound of his stall horn. On landing, I have to admit feeling a little nervous as he stalled it deliberately just before touchdown. The water was glassy-flat, I suspect it wasn't yesterday.

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Wow - scary. I took a flight in the Classic Wings DC3 D-CCCC back in the late summer/early autumn of 1991. In December of that year it crashed into a hillside in bad weather, killing 28 of its 32 passengers. It's good to read that all three passengers made it out of this one!



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The perfect landing is when the aircraft stalls about one foot above the ground, it's in fact more important when water landing. Also the worst conditions for a water landing is when it is glassy smooth, it becomes difficult to judge the height above the water, much easier when it's a little choppy.

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So do you fly floaters in RL Dave?

You were right, in my original thread Tony found an article confirming it was an inexperienced pilot who'd previously taken off from a ground base.

It wasn't totally flat on our day, I could certainly see the waves. Exhilarating even at 30kt

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