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KSFF Questions


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I have three questions about KSFF.

Question 1. Jarrad answered one of my questions,about the building to the left of runway 3L.I put myself in the water behind the mentioned building.There seems to be an issue,viewing from the water.Based on the KSFF manual.My sliders are set as required.

I'm adding three screenshots related to what ever the issue is,and how I can fix if.I do have all the necessary patches installed,as I mentioned in my previous post about the building area.

Question 2.I want to ask about ground color on the air field,based on seasons.I put myself on Felts field in August.The ground color was brown.Should it be brown in August?.I figured the ground textures would be green.

April,May and June the grass is green.July,August and on,the grass is brown.So I'm asking.During the months of July and August.Should the ground textures be green or brown?.

I've never been there.So I don't know the answer etc.

Question 3.Should there be people flow moving around?.I did slowly taxi around the airport,and I did see people,but not moving around etc.

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G'day Grayrider, to answer your questions in order:

1. Everything you see is correct, and you have everything correctly installed by the look of it. This "scissoring" issue is common amongst FSX terrain where a river/lake/ocean edge cuts into the mesh, and is most noticeable where there are steep banks. Whilst it can be alleviated to an extent by the use of sloped flattens, for the small distances covered in these parts of Spokane, unfortunately the difference wouldn't be much.

2. Indeed what you are seeing is correct. The seasons for the Spokane area have been set by Holger (as part of NRM), and my PR ground colourisation has been set to match this. You'll notice that Holger has been very accurate with the placement of these seasons, during some months you even notice that whilst it is spring/fall in the city, there may be some snow still around on top of nearby peaks. For your reference, the seasons for the Spokane (and Felts) area are:

Hard Winter (snow): Nov-Feb, Winter: Mar, Spring: Apr-June, Summer (dry grass): Jul-Sep, Fall: Oct

3. You'll notice there are not a huge amount of peopleflow in general placed around the airfield, though both animated (walking and non-walking) and static models are placed. Given the complexity of the airport, performance was a key consideration when I developed the scenery, so adding too much extra candy (imo "just for the sake of it") was deemed not worth the FPS penalty. This factors in for other animated tech such as grass & creatureflow. Less is more, I say :)



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Hi GrayRider,

in regards to the dry summer textures: Spokane lies in the Columbia Plateau ecoregion, which is a semi-desert area with very dry summers; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_Plateau_%28ecoregion%29 . If you browse through some of the airphotos on this site -- http://www.aerolistphoto.com/gallery/WA/spokane/east -- you'll see how brown/grey the area looks in the summer months.

Cheers, Holger

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People Flow

It's a shame there's not more of them, I think when you pop into Jefferson which has a lot and then fly into Felt's you see the difference all said and done I am more than happy. Grayrider pop over to one of the hangers the one with two aircraft in and guys working on them, one looks like he's making a coffee and then turns round picks up his water flask un-screws the top and takes a drink. Don't forget the poor guys having to sweep at the front of the main building.

Creature Flow

That's is one thing I am still looking out for, came across a very large yellow butterfly flying around the clock tower and that's it. Any clues going?

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